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15–16 Feb 2018
Charles University
Europe/Prague timezone


Unlike other disciplines, nanotechnology is multi-sectoral by nature, and combines several methods and techniques that aim to influence properties and structures at the molecular level. Developments in nanotech uncover innovative applications that can be used in a wide and diverse range of industries and areas in a variety of fields: electronics, materials, energy efficiency, surface coating, medicine etc.

Research in High Energy Physics has allowed for the development of accelerator and detector technology that can be applied in other research fields, and nanotechnology is a very attractive field for these sorts of synergies. On the other hand, conventional techniques and methods for the characterisation and analysis of these nanostructure have reached their limit, therefore further development is an essential precondition for the success of nanotechnology research.

This event will aim to bring together companies, experts and researchers active in the field of nanostructures and nanoanalytics together with other research fields, like high energy physics or medical science, to discuss and explore synergies fostering knowledge transfer and collaboration for the development of further innovative technologies and applications in the field of nanotechnology.

The full agenda and how to book onto the event can be found by clicking this link.

ACCELERATE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 731112.


Charles University
V Holesovickach 747/2 18000 Prague