Sep 21 – 25, 2010
University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Europe/Brussels timezone



ISMD 2010 is organised by the Particle Physics group of the University of Antwerp.

International Advisory Board

A. Bialas (Cracow)
T. Csörgö (Budapest)
I. Dremin (Moscow)
K. Fialkowski (Cracow)
W. Gary (Riverside)
G. Gustafson (Lund)
Y. Hama (Sao Paulo)
K. Homma (Hiroshima)
L. Jenkovsky (Kiev)
A. Kisiel (Warsaw)
W. Kittel (Nijmegen)
T. Kodama (Rio de Janeiro)
V. Kuvshinov (Minsk)
R. Lacey (Stony Brook)
L. McLerran (Upton)
B. Mohanty (Kolkata)
A. Nakamura (Hiroshima)
L. Sandor (Kosice)
N. Schmitz (Munich)
V. Simak (Prague)
A. Sissakian (Dubna) (†)
M. Tokarev (Dubna)
T. Trainor (Seattle)
G. Wolschin (Heidelberg)
Y. Wu (Wuhan)
N. Xu (Berkeley)

(†) Academician Alexei. N. Sissakian passed away
around the beginning of May 2010.  The organizers
wish to convey their deepest condolences to his
family, friends and colleagues.

Local Organizing Committee

P. Van Mechelen (co-chair)
N. Van Remortel (co-chair)
E. De Wolf (honorary chair)
X. Janssen
H. Jung
K. Kutak
P. Marage
A. De Roeck
R. Rougny

Conference Secretariat 

S. Van Mierlo