Working Groups & Conveners
If you want to contribute to one of the sessions, please submit a short abstract using the interface on this webpage and indicate the working group of your choice.
Deadline for submitting abstracts to ISMD 2010 is 15 July 2010
Soft Interactions
SOFTMinimum bias, single particle spectra, model tuning
Total & (in)elastic cross sections
Low energy experiments
Underlying events, background structure
Hadron spectroscopyConveners: Rick Field and Risto Orava
Multiparticle correlations
CORREvent and jet shapes
Medium properties from jet probes
Fragmentation, recombination and correlationsConveners: Krzysztof Fialkowski and Edward Sarkisyan-Grinbaum
High <i>p<sub>T</sub></i> interactions
HIGHPTJet cross sections, αS
Structure functions and PDFs
γ+jet, Z+jet
ttbar, single top, diboson productionConveners: Alexandre Glazov and Massimiliano Grazzini
Forward Physics and Cosmic Rays
Central exclusive production
Forward jet and particle production
Extensive air showersConveners: Monika Grothe, Francesco Hautmann and Sergey Ostapchenko
High Density Systems
Hydrodynamics, perfect fluids
Colour Glass Condensates
AdS/CFTConveners: Cyrille Marquet and Raimond Snellings
Techniques in Experiment and Theory
TECHMonte Carlo techniques, automated calculations
Lattice QCD
Experimental apparatus and performance
Statistical methodsConveners:Atsushi Nakamura, Wouter Verkerke and Rikkert Frederix
New Physics Summary
NEWHiggs searches
Supersymmetry, exotica
Conveners: Cigdem Issever and Sven Heinemeyer