Sep 21 – 25, 2010
University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Europe/Brussels timezone

Working Groups & Conveners

Working Groups & Conveners

If you want to contribute to one of the sessions, please submit a short abstract using the interface on this webpage and indicate the working group of your choice.

Deadline for submitting abstracts to ISMD 2010 is 15 July 2010

  • Soft Interactions


    Minimum bias, single particle spectra, model tuning

    Total & (in)elastic cross sections

    Low energy experiments

    Underlying events, background structure

    Hadron spectroscopy

    Conveners: Rick Field and Risto Orava

  • Multiparticle correlations


    Event and jet shapes

    Medium properties from jet probes

    Fragmentation, recombination and correlations

    Conveners: Krzysztof Fialkowski and Edward Sarkisyan-Grinbaum

  • High <i>p<sub>T</sub></i> interactions


    Jet cross sections, αS

    Structure functions and PDFs

    γ+jet, Z+jet

    ttbar, single top, diboson production

    Conveners: Alexandre Glazov and Massimiliano Grazzini

  • Forward Physics and Cosmic Rays



    Central exclusive production

    Forward jet and particle production

    Extensive air showers

    Conveners: Monika Grothe, Francesco Hautmann and Sergey Ostapchenko

  • High Density Systems



    Hydrodynamics, perfect fluids

    Colour Glass Condensates


    Conveners: Cyrille Marquet and Raimond Snellings

  • Techniques in Experiment and Theory


    Monte Carlo techniques, automated calculations

    Lattice QCD

    Experimental apparatus and performance

    Statistical methods

    Conveners:Atsushi Nakamura, Wouter Verkerke and Rikkert Frederix

  • New Physics Summary


    Higgs searches

    Supersymmetry, exotica

    Conveners: Cigdem Issever and Sven Heinemeyer