8:00 AM
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
(until 9:10 AM)
9:00 AM
9:10 AM
High pT interactions
(until 10:50 AM)
9:10 AM
High pT interactions: introduction
Massimiliano Grazzini
9:40 AM
Phenomenology with unintegrated parton showers
Michal Deak
(Institute de FIsica Teorica, UAM Madrid)
10:05 AM
High pT EWK and QCD results from ATLAS
Alejandro Alonso
(University of Lund-Unknown-Unknown)
10:30 AM
Recent developments in NLO QCD calculations
- Dr
Malgorzata Worek
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)
10:50 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:20 AM
High pT interactions
(until 12:50 PM)
11:20 AM
Proton structure from HERA to LHC
Amanda Sarkar
(University of Oxford)
11:45 AM
Top quark phenomenology
Rikkert Frederix
(University of Zurich)
12:05 PM
High pT EWK and QCD results from CMS
Anne-Marie Magnan
(Imperial College London)
12:25 PM
Heavy flavour and jet production at HERA
Martin Brinkmann
9:00 AM
Multiparticle correlations
(until 10:50 AM)
9:00 AM
Five remarks on multiparticle correlations
- Prof.
Andrzej Bialas
(Inst. Nucl. Phys. PAS, Krakow)
9:35 AM
L3 Measurement of Bose-Einstein Correlations in Hadronic Z decays and the Tau Model
- Dr
Wesley Metzger
(Radboud University)
10:00 AM
Fluctuating initial conditions in hydrodynamics for two-particle correlations
- Prof.
Yogiro Hama
(University of São Paulo)
10:25 AM
In-medium eta' mass reduction from Bose-Einstein correlation data in sqrt(s(NN))=200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC
- Prof.
Tamas Csorgo
(Harvard University)
10:50 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:20 AM
Multiparticle correlations
(until 12:35 PM)
11:20 AM
Understanding RHIC collisions: Modified QCD fragmentation vs quark coalescence from a thermalized flowing medium
- Prof.
Thomas A. Trainor
(University of Washington)
11:45 AM
Track jets and jet shape studies with the ATLAS detector
Seth Zenz
(LBNL and UC Berkeley)
12:10 PM
Studies of QCD jet production with the CMS detector in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
Panos Katsas
9:00 AM
Forward Physics and Cosmic Rays
(until 10:50 AM)
9:00 AM
Forward Physics and Cosmic Rays: Introduction
Francesco Hautmann
(Institute of Theoretical Physics)
9:30 AM
Low-x pdf from LHCb
Jonathan Anderson
(Universitaet Zuerich)
9:55 AM
Overview of diffraction at LHC
Sparsh Navin
(School of Physics and Astronomy-University of Birmingham)
10:25 AM
Results from the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Dr
Gonzalo Rodriguez
(Universidad Santiago de Compostela)
10:50 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:20 AM
Forward Physics and Cosmic Rays
(until 1:10 PM)
11:20 AM
Forward energy and particle flow with CMS
Deniz Sunar Cerci
(Physics Department-Cukurova University)
11:40 AM
Forward energy and particle flow with LHCf
- Dr
Lorenzo Bonechi
12:05 PM
Hard diffraction
- Dr
Rikard Enberg
(Uppsala University)
12:25 PM
Multiple interactions, diffraction, and the BFKL pomeron
Gosta Gustafson
(Lund University)
12:50 PM
Developments on unintegrated PDFs
- Dr
Igor Cherednikov
(Dubna & INFN)
9:00 AM
High Density Systems
(until 10:50 AM)
9:00 AM
P- and CP-odd effects in hot and dense matter
Harmen Warringa
(Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University)
9:20 AM
NLO-CGC phenomenology in e+A, p+A and A+A collisions
Javier Albacete
(Institut de Physique Theorique - CEA/Saclay)
9:45 AM
- Dr
Mikhail Tokarev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
10:05 AM
Effects of macroscopic QCD observed in AA collisions
Igor Dremin
(P.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics (FIAN)-Russian Academy of Scie)
10:30 AM
NA49 and NA61/SHINE experiments: results and plans
- Dr
Tatjana Susa
(Rudjer Boskovic Institute)
10:50 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:20 AM
Techniques in Experiment and Theory
(until 12:55 PM)
11:20 AM
Recent results in lattice QCD
Zoltan Fodor
(Uni Wuppertal and von Neumann Institute, Wuppertal and Eotvos University)
11:55 AM
Probing nonlinearty of semi-macroscopic vacuum by second harmonic generation with intense laser fields
- Prof.
Kensuke Homma
(Hiroshima University / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet)
12:15 PM
Diffractive event classification at the LHC - CANCELLED
- Prof.
Risto Orava
(University of Helsinki)
12:16 PM
Systematic MC tuning at LHC
Hendrik Hoeth
(Durham University)
12:35 PM
Tracking and vertexing in ATLAS
Ben Cooper
(Queen Mary University of London)
9:00 AM
New Physics Summary
(until 11:20 AM)
9:00 AM
Theory introduction
Richard D. Field
9:25 AM
Higgs searches at the TEVATRON
Alexei Safonov
(Texas A&M University)
9:50 AM
Searches for physics beyond the standard model at HERA
Antje Huettmann
10:10 AM
Higgs searches at the LHC
Koji Nakamura
(ICEPP, University of Tokyo)
10:30 AM
Searches for physics beyond the Standard Model with ATLAS
Haiping Peng
(Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin-Unknown)
10:55 AM
Searches for physics beyond the Standard Model with CMS
Leonardo Benucci
(Universiteit Antwerpen Physics Department-Unknown-Unknown)
11:20 AM
--- Coffeebreak ---
11:50 AM
Conference Summary
(until 1:20 PM)
11:50 AM
Experimental summary
Sergey Chekanov
12:35 PM
Theoretical summary
Edmond Iancu
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:15 PM
Soft Interactions
(until 4:15 PM)
2:15 PM
Soft Interactions: Introduction
- Prof.
Rick Field
(University of Florida)
2:50 PM
Limiting soft particle emission in e+e-, hadronic and nuclear collisions
Wolfgang Ochs
(Max Planck Institut fuer Physik, Munich)
3:10 PM
Limiting fragmentation in electron-positron annihilation, in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering and proton-antiproton collision
Teresa Tymieniecka
(Institute for Nuclear Studies)
3:30 PM
Recent spectroscopy results from Babar
Bill Gary
(Department of Physics)
3:55 PM
Multiparton interactions in ep scattering at HERA
Hannes Jung
4:15 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:45 PM
Soft Interactions
(until 6:25 PM)
4:45 PM
Modelling of low transverse momentum in hadronic interactions
Sarka Todorova
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts U.)
5:05 PM
Power-law ensembles: fluctuations of volume or temperature ?
- Prof.
Grzegorz Wilk
(The Andrzej Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies; Theoretical Physics Department, Warsaw, Poland)
5:25 PM
Detecting Elastic pp Scattering by Radiative Photons at the LHC
- Ms
Hanna Grönqvist
(Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland)
5:45 PM
Multihadron production in nuclear and particle interactions
- Dr
Edward Sarkisyan-Grinbaum
(Univ. Texas - Arlington/CERN)
6:05 PM
Systematic study of inclusive hadron production spectra in collider experiments
- Dr
Andrei Rostovtsev
(ITEP Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP)-U)
6:30 PM
--- Welcoming reception ---
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
3:30 PM
--- Visit brewery De Koninck ---
7:00 PM
Joint soft interactions/multiparticle correlations session on recent LHC results
(until 9:35 PM)
7:00 PM
Light hadron production studies in pp collisions at 0.9 and 7 TeV with the LHCb detector
Raluca Muresan
(Lab. de Phys. des Hautes Energies (LPHE-IPEP)-Ecole Polytechniqu)
7:20 PM
Measurements of two-particle correlations in pp collisions at √s = 900 GeV with the ALICE experiment
Jorge Mercado-Perez
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg)
7:40 PM
Measurements of two-particle correlations in pp collisions with the CMS detector
- Dr
Xavier Janssen
(Universiy of Antwerpen)
8:05 PM
Studies of charged particle correlations and underlying events with the ATLAS detector
Claus Buszello
(Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Uppsala-Unknow)
8:25 PM
Studies of particle production in inelastic pp events with the ATLAS detector
- Mr
Benjamin Michael Wynne
(University of Edinburgh)
8:50 PM
Measurements of Hadron Production and Underlying Event Studies at CMS
Danilo Piparo
(KIT - Institut für experimentelle Kernphysik)
9:15 PM
Identified charged hadrons and strange particle production in 900 GeV proton-proton collisions with the ALICE experiment
- Dr
Andre Mischke
(ERC-StG, Institute for Subatomic Physics, Universiteit Utrecht)
1:10 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:25 PM
High Density Systems
(until 4:10 PM)
2:25 PM
High Density Systems: Introduction
Cyrille Marquet
3:00 PM
AdS/CFT approaches to problems in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Jorge Noronha
(Columbia University)
3:25 PM
Boost-invariant one-tube model for two-particle correlation
- Ms
Rone Andrade
(Universidade de São Paulo (USP))
3:45 PM
Recent PHENIX heavy-ion results
Carla Vale
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
4:10 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:40 PM
Soft Interactions
(until 6:20 PM)
5:00 PM
Measurement of the energy dependence of the total photoproduction cross section
Amir Stern
(Tel Aviv University)
5:20 PM
Collective phenomena search in hadron interactions
- Dr
Elena Kokoulina
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
5:40 PM
Wilson Loop Decay and Quark Decoloration in QCD Vacuum
- Prof.
Viacheslav Kuvshinov
(JIPNR-Sosny, Minsk)
6:00 PM
Inclusive cross sections of proton-proton and proton-antiproton scattering
- Prof.
Victor Abramovsky
(Novgorod State University)
8:00 PM
--- Conference Dinner ---
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:15 PM
Forward Physics and Cosmic Rays
(until 3:10 PM)
2:15 PM
Forward production of heavy flavour hadrons in p-p collisions and intrinsic charm and bottom in proton
- Prof.
Gennady Lykasov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
2:40 PM
Overview of diffraction at HERA
Richard Polifka
(Charles University in Prague)
3:10 PM
High Density Systems
(until 3:55 PM)
3:10 PM
3:35 PM
Transverse and longitudinal dynamics at RHIC
- Dr
Pawel Staszel
(Jagiellonian University)
3:55 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:25 PM
High Density Systems
(until 6:20 PM)
4:25 PM
Highly-anisotropic and strongly-dissipative hydrodynamics for early stages of relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Wojciech Florkowski
(Institute of nuclear Physics, Krakow)
4:50 PM
Heavy Ions at LHC energies: predictions for net-baryon distributions
Georg Wolschin
(Heidelberg University)
5:15 PM
Status of chemical equilibrium
- Prof.
Jean Cleymans
(University of Cape Town)
5:35 PM
Recent PID, v1 and hydrodynamic measurements at STAR
Aihong Tang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
6:00 PM
Measuring the thermalization time
Piotr Bozek
(Rzeszow University/ INP Krakow)
6:30 PM
Discussion on the "CMS Ridge"
(until 8:00 PM)
1:20 PM
(until 1:40 PM)
1:20 PM
ISMD 2011
1:35 PM
Closing remarks
1:40 PM
--- Lunch ---