4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

Discovery potential of light sterile neutrinos with displaced vertices

7 Jul 2018, 14:30
103 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Beyond the Standard Model Neutrino Physics


Giovanna Cottin (National Taiwan University)


Many models of new physics beyond the Standard Model are able to describe massive, long-lived particles with macroscopic decays, which can be reconstructed inside the inner trackers of the LHC detectors. Furthermore, the lack of evidence of any new physics at the LHC motivates to perform these unconventional searches, such as looking for displaced vertices.

In left-right symmetric models, where a mechanism for the unknown origin of neutrino masses is provided via the existence of sterile neutrinos, the production and decay of these new states depends mostly on the unknown mass of the new, heavy right-handed gauge boson, $W_{R}$. For neutrino masses much lighter than the mass of $W_{R}$, and also below the electroweak scale, the sterile neutrino can be long-lived, and can decay with a displaced vertex signature.

Currently, no public searches at the LHC target sterile neutrinos with masses as low as a few GeV. In this talk, I will comment on the reinterpretation of current displaced vertex searches to a left-right symmetric model. Challenges and current limitations will be highlighted. The proposed search strategy shows that the 13 TeV LHC with 3000 fb$^{-1}$ can probe sterile neutrino masses up to 30 GeV (for $W_{R}$ masses below 5 TeV) and motivates the experimental collaborations at the LHC to pursue an optimized displaced search to target a broader mass region.


Giovanna Cottin (National Taiwan University)

Presentation materials