4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

The Reach of Thermal Supersymmetric Dark Matter

6 Jul 2018, 17:45
203 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Jason Evans (University of Minnesota)


The three main successes of supernumerary are: naturlaness, gauge coupling unification, and a thermal dark matter candidate. Although experimental constraints on supersymmetry has pushed it to a region of parameter space which is less natural, the other two motivations for supersymmetry are still in tact. I will discuss under what conditions can we still get a good thermal dark matter candidate. The two main ways being gluino coannihilation and stop coannihilation. These methods of generating a thermal dark matter candidate will persist for dark matter masses up to of order 8 TeV, well beyond the reach of the LHC.


Prof. John Ellis (CERN) Keith Alison Olive Feng Luo (CERN) Dr Jiaming Zheng (University of Tokyo) Jason Evans (University of Minnesota)

Presentation materials