4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

Prospects for measuring Higgs triscalar coupling at the HL-LHC and HL-100 TeV hadron collider

6 Jul 2018, 14:15
103 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Higgs Physics Higgs Physics


Dr Chih-Ting Lu


We perform the most up-to-date comprehensive signal-background analysis for Higgs-pair production in $HH \to b\bar b\gamma\gamma$ channel at the HL-LHC with the goal of probing the self-coupling $\lambda_{3H}$ of the Higgs boson. We simulate all the standard-model signal and background processes with the simulation tools almost as sophisticated as what experimentalists are using. At the HL-LHC, the Higgs boson self-coupling would be constrained to $−1.0\lambda_{3H}<7.6$ at 95 \% confidence level after considering the uncertainties associated with the top-Yukawa coupling and the estimation of backgrouds. Some crucial kinematic distributions and significance performances are also shown to display our analysis informaitons. Here we also extend the study to the HL-100 TeV hadron collider. We find that, at the SM value, the coupling can be measured with about 20 (7) \% accuracy assuming 3 (30) ab$^{-1}$.



Prof. Jae Sik Lee (Chonnam National University) Dr Jubin Park (Chonnam National University) Dr Jung Chang (National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Physics Division) Prof. Kingman Cheung (National Tsing Hua University (TW))

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