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4–11 Jul 2018
Asia/Seoul timezone

Development of Superconducting Tunnel Junction Far-Infrared Photon Detector for Cosmic Background Neutrino Decay Search - COBAND experiment

6 Jul 2018, 16:54
201 (COEX, Seoul)


COEX, Seoul

Parallel Detector: R&D for Present and Future Facilities Detector: R&D for Present and Future Facilities


Dr Shinhong Kim (University of Tsukuba)


We present the status of development of the Superconducting Tunnel
Junction (STJ) detector for the COsmic BAckground Neutrino Decay search
(COBAND) experiment. The signal of the cosmic background neutrino decay is
identified as a sharp cutoff at high energy end in a far-infrared region
ranging from 15meV to 30meV in the energy spectrum of the photons from the
space[1]. The COBAND experiment will be done as rocket and satellite
experiments in order to detect the far-infrared photons from the space.
For a photon detector of the COBAND experiment, we are developing the STJ
detectors[2][3]. We will use a combination of the diffraction grating and the
array of Nb/Al-STJ pixels with cryogenic amplifier for the rocket
experiment[4], and use Hf-STJ as a micro-calorimeter[5] for the future satellite
experiment. The present status of the detector R&D and the experimental design for the COBAND experiment is reported in
more detail.

Primary authors

Dr Shinhong Kim (University of Tsukuba) Dr Yuji Takeuchi (University of Tsukuba) Dr Takashi IIda (University of Tsukuba) Dr Kenichi Takemasa (University of Tsukuba) Dr Kazuki Nagata (University of Tsukuba) Ms Chisa Asano (University of Tsukuba) Ms Rena Wakasa (University of Tsukuba) Mr Shunsuke Yagi (University of Tsukuba) Dr Hirokazu Ikeda (JAXA/ISAS) Dr Takehiko Wada (JAXA/ISAS) Dr Koichi Nagase (JAXA/ISAS) Dr Shuji Matsuura (Kwansei Gakuin University) Dr Yasuo Arai (KEK) Dr Ikuo Kurachi (KEK) Dr Masashi Hazumi (KEK) Dr Takuo Yoshida (University of Fukui) Mr Takahiro Nakamura (University of Fukui) Mr Makoto Sakai (University of Fukui) Mr Wataru Nishimura (University of Fukui) Dr Satoru Mima (RIKEN) Dr Kenji Kiuchi (University of Tokyo) Dr Hirokazu Ishino (Okayama University) Dr Atsuko Kibayashi (Okayama University) Dr Yukihiro Kato (Kindai University) Dr Go Fujii (AIST) Dr Shigetomo Shiki (AIST) Dr Masahiro Ukibe (AIST) Dr Masataka Ohkubo (AIST) Dr Shoji Kawahito (Shizuoka University) Dr Erik Ramberg (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Paul Rubinov (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Dmitri Sergatskov (Fermi National Accelrator Laboratory) Dr Soo-Bong Kim (Seoul National University)

Presentation materials