24–28 Jun 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Photodetector of multilayer exfoliated MoS2 deposited on polyimide films

27 Jun 2018, 16:00
Quality Hotel, Folkets Hus (Sundsvall)

Quality Hotel, Folkets Hus


Esplanaden 29 Sundsvall, Sweden


Viviane Forsberg (Mid Sweden University)


We fabricated a photodetector based on multilayer molybdenum disulfide ($MoS_2$) by micromechanical cleavage of a molybdenite crystal using a polyimide film. We deposited 40nm of gold by vacuum sputtering and copper tape was used for the contacts. Without any surface treatment, we achieved high responsivity at different incident optical power. The calculated responsivity are 2$3\mu AW^{-1}$ of incident optical power in the range between 400 and 800nm. For the responsivity measurement it was estimated that $MoS_2$ have a bandgap of 1.6eV, which lies between monolayer and multilayer films. The thickness of the $MoS_2$ thin film was determined by Raman spectroscopy evaluating the difference between the in plane $E^1_2g$ and out of plane $A_1g$ Raman modes. The measurement of IV curves indicated Ohmic contacts in respect to the Au regardless of the incident optical power. Our device fabrication was much simpler than previous reported devices and can be used to test the light absorption and luminescence capabilities of exfoliated $MoS_2$.


Viviane Forsberg (Mid Sweden University)


Dr Henrik Andersson (Mid Sweden University) Dr Magnus Engholm (Mid Sweden University) Dr Göran Thungström (Mid Sweden University) Dr Renyun Zhang (Mid Sweden University) Dr Magnus Hummelgård (Mid Sweden University) Prof. Håkan Olin (Mid Sweden University) Prof. Magnus Norgren (Mid Sweden University)

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