Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

24–28 Jun 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Registration information

Important dates

Deadline for abstract submission: April 9th, 2018
Notification of authors: May 7th, 2018
Early registration (reduced conference fee): Before May 31st, 2018
Online registration closed: June 15th, 2018


Conference fee

Early registration (before May 31, 2018)
Regular: 625 Euro, VAT included
Student: 437 Euro, VAT included
Accompanying person: 237 Euro, VAT included

Late registration (from June 1 - June 15, 2018):
Regular: 750 Euro, VAT included
Student: 750 Euro, VAT included
Accompanying person: 237 Euro, VAT included

25 % VAT is included in the registration fee. Participants from the EU can apply for reimbursement of the VAT through their local tax office.

The regular and student registration fee includes:

  • Attendance to the sessions
  • Conference materials
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunches (Monday-Thursday)
  • Welcome reception
  • Social event with guided tour, boat trip and dinner
  • Conference banquet

The registration fee for accompanying person includes:

  • Welcome reception
  • Social event with guided tour, boat trip and dinner
  • Conference banquet


Cancellation policy

All cancellations must be received by 31th of May 2017. Only then refunds (less a 50 € administrative fee) will be issued to the attendee. No refunds will be issued thereafter.