Poster abstract: Precision measurements of electroweak boson production in $pp$ collisions are considered benchmark tests of the Standard Model. In particular, they provide
verification for predictions of the electroweak theory and quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The rapidity of electroweak bosons produced in $pp$ collisions is strongly
correlated with the initial quark dynamics. Therefore, these measurements can provide constraints on parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton. This study
presents the first measurement of $W$ boson production in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 5.02$ TeV using data collected by the ATLAS experiment in 2015. Fiducial
cross-sections for $W^+$ and $W^-$ boson production are measured in leptonic decay channels. The cross-sections are measured inclusively and differentially in the decay
lepton pseudorapidity. In addition, a measurement of the lepton charge asymmetry is presented. The measured cross-sections and charge asymmetry are compared to
predictions calculated at NNLO in QCD using several recent sets of PDFs.