We investigate the muon anomalous magnetic moment, the μ→eγ branching ratio and the μ→e conversion rate in the nuclei from the point of view of the planned μ→e conversion experiments.
In the MSSM these processes are strongly correlated through tanβ enhanced contributions. We demonstrate how in the Minimal R-symmetric Supersymmetric Standard Model the μ→eγ branching ratio and the μ→e conversion rate in the nuclei give distinct bounds on the parameter space. We also consider the supersymmetric contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, generated by a subset of topologies contributing to the LFV observables. We briefly discuss the generic implementation of the aforementioned observables into the FlexibleSUSY spectrum-generator generator.
Looking at the current μ→eγ searches, the analysis points to the need of constructing a dedicated μ→e conversion experiment to cover as large parameter space as possible in the non-minimal supersymmetric models.
Parallel Session | BSM aspects of Flavour and Neutrino Physics |