CMS Workshop at Universidad Iberoamericana

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Universidad Iberoamericana Edificio S: Sala Ángel Palerm
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      Breakfast with University authorities.

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      Welcome and greetings

      Speaker: Prof. Dominique Brun (Head of the Physics and Mathematics Department)
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      Mexico City Global Center Notre Dame International
      Speaker: Mrs Christine Santoyo
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      IBERO RPC contribution in CMS

      Since almost four years ago we started a strong collaboration and we have declared our institution participation in the CMS Muon RPC Subsystem. We will present a brief summary of our past, present and future institution participation.

      Speaker: Salvador Carrillo (Universidad Iberoamericana)
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      CMS Outreach in Mexico

      A Brief description of the outreach done by Universidad Iberoamericana: CMS International Masterclasses and International Cosmic Day. And also other related activities.

      Speaker: Mrs Fabiola Vázquez
    • 10:20
      Coffee break
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      CMS work at Notre Dame
      Speaker: Mitchell Ross Wayne (University of Notre Dame (US))
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      Visit to Clavius

      It will start with a brief summary of the activities done at our "Astronomic Clavius Center" mainly related with outreach.

    • 12:15
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      A brief introduction to CMS Open Data
      Speakers: Jeremy Wegner (Winamac Community High School), Kenneth Cecire (University of Notre Dame)
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      A Brief presentation od CINVESTAV participation at CMS

      Speaker: Ivan Heredia De La Cruz (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (MX))
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      Experience and Interests
      Speaker: Cristina Oropeza Barrera (Universidad Iberoamericana (MX))
    • 14:35
      Coffee break
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      Longevity Studies, Integrated Charge

      A CMS RPC Contribution in the measurement of the performance of the RPC detectors in P5 will be presented by our undergraduate student who is "officially" in charge of this work from CMS Muon RPC Subsystem.

      Speaker: Osvaldo Miguel (IBERO)
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      Wrap up & opportunity in other areas of interest
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      Concluding remarks