- Ladislav Musilek (Czech Technical University in Prague)
- Sonja Schreurs (Universiteit Hasselt)
Sonja Schreurs, Bram Mast, Katrijn Gijbels, Niels Vandevenne, Luc Lievens, Wouter Schroeyers
UHasselt, CMK, NuTeC, Agoralaan building H, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
The aim of this one year project is to work towards a sustainable collaboration in education and science between European partners from the Educational CHERNE network, Research oriented European NORM Association (ENA) and...
For all of us non-native speakers to learn English has been a challenge at a certain point in our lives. It is said that chemists, physicists, engineers, lawyers, philologists speak in a different language from the rest of society. The discovery of radioactivity a century ago opened up a new field “nuclear science”. Nowadays Nuclear English is the most demanding English not only for...
Radon is a natural radioactive gas derived from geologic materials and abundant in granitic areas. Indoor environment radon contamination can be induced by either outdoor air entering dwellings and radon contamination of water but the ionizing radiation from naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) present in building materials, should not be underestimated. Civil engineering students...
Degree Programmes Radiological Technology and Radiological Physics, taught at the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the CTU in Prague, are within the boundaries of both physics and medicine. As such, they must be accredited by the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education, but they are also...
This study deals with the initiative undertaken at the Belarusian State University (BSU) related to nuclear knowledge portal.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) pays close attention to the problems of nuclear knowledge management. Every developed country with its own nuclear industry has to create and maintain a national portal of nuclear knowledge integrated into the global system...
Expertise in nuclear and radiochemistry (NRC) is of strategic relevance in order to maintain European nuclear operations. There are many applications that need NRC skills other than the more obvious context of nuclear power and assessment of disposal options for nuclear waste. This includes medical applications, such as radiologic diagnostics and therapy, but also dating in geology and...