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22–25 May 2018
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone


A few visits will be organised after the Workshop:

Friday 25th of May 2018 afternoon

Visit to Riga Motor-Museum, wine and snack on the terrasse after the visit.

See the largest and most diverse collection of antique motor vehicles in the Baltics and listen to exciting stories about them.

Saturday 26th of May 2018 all day

Trip to Jurmala including guided Tour and lunch.

Departure from Riga at 10:00, visits of Jurmala sites, free time to have lunch

ans see the beach. Return to Riga scheduled for 17:00.


Sunday 27th of May 2018 morning (to be confirmed)

Guided Tour in Riga from 9:00 to 11:00

Visit of all the Riga Old towns essentials starting from

House of Blackheads

Church of St.Peters

Freedom Monument

Latvian Parliament building

Art Nouveau in Old Town

Riga Cathedral or Rigas Doms