22โ€“25 May 2018
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone


Plenary Meeting - Session 2

23 May 2018, 14:00
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

RIGA Technical University 1 Kalku Street Riga, LV-1658


Plenary Meeting - Session 2: Introduction, Training, Communication

  • Tord Johan Carl Ekelof (Uppsala University (SE))

Plenary Meeting - Session 2: Technologies

  • Chmielewski Andrzej (ICHTJ)

Plenary Meeting - Session 2: Materials and magnets

  • Robert Ruprecht (KIT)

Plenary Meeting - Session 2: New concepts and technique, beam tests stands

  • Peter Mcintosh

Plenary Meeting - Session 2: Applications and technologies

  • Toms Torims (Riga Technical University)

Plenary Meeting - Session 2: Future technologies

  • Angeles Faus-Golfe (Laboartoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire)

Plenary Meeting - Session 2: New perspectives

  • Maria Enrica Biagini

Plenary Meeting - Session 2: Invited Talks

  • Maurizio Vretenar (CERN)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Talis Juhna (RTU Vice rector), Toms Torims (Riga Technical University)
23/05/2018, 14:00
Maurizio Vretenar (CERN)
23/05/2018, 14:20
Philip Nicholas Burrows (University of Oxford (GB))
23/05/2018, 14:40
Nicolas Delerue (LAL, CNRS & Universitรฉ Paris-Sud)
23/05/2018, 15:00
Frank Zimmermann (CERN)
23/05/2018, 15:50
Prof. Riccardo Bartolini (Diamond Light Source and John Adams Institute (Oxford University))
23/05/2018, 16:10
Panagiotis Zisopoulos (CERN)
23/05/2018, 16:30
Peter Forck (GSI)
23/05/2018, 16:50
Alessandro Bertarelli (CERN)
24/05/2018, 08:30
Roger Ruber (Uppsala University (SE))
24/05/2018, 09:45
Carmine Senatore (University of Geneva)
24/05/2018, 10:15
Ulrich Dorda (DESY)
24/05/2018, 11:00
Brigitte Cros (LPGP CNRS)
24/05/2018, 11:20
Jerome Schwindling (Universitรฉ Paris-Saclay (FR))
24/05/2018, 12:25
Claude Marchand (Universitรฉ Paris-Saclay (FR))
24/05/2018, 12:40
Toms Torims (Riga Technical University)
24/05/2018, 14:00
Marcello Losasso (CERN)
24/05/2018, 14:05
Daniel Barna (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
24/05/2018, 14:50
Rob Edgecock (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
24/05/2018, 15:10
Candice Nagel (IBA)
24/05/2018, 16:20
Dr Oleg Malyshev (STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
24/05/2018, 17:20
Mieczyslaw Krasny (LPNHE, Uviversity Paris)
25/05/2018, 08:30
Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
25/05/2018, 09:00
Patric Muggli (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
25/05/2018, 09:30
Giuliano Franchetti
25/05/2018, 10:20
Nicholas Sammut (University of Malta (MT))
25/05/2018, 11:30
Building timetable...