Aug 28 – 30, 2018
US/Eastern timezone

The annual Multi-Boson Interactions (MBI 2018) workshop will be hosted by the ATLAS group and the Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics (LCTP) at the University of Michigan from August 28 to August 30, 2018. It will bring theorists and experimentalists together to discuss multi-boson interactions within the contexts of the gauge sector of the Standard Model and new physics. 

The registration deadline is July 28, 2018. No registration fees are required. Participants need to pay the workshop dinner themselves.

Topics of discussion:

  • Diboson production

  • Triboson production

  • Higgs production

  • Vector boson scattering and vector boson fusion

  • Precision calculation and measurement of multiboson production

  • New physics in multiboson production

  • Monte Carlo generators

  • LHC Run 2 results and beyond

The workshop room is 335 West Hall building, and the official physics department address is 450 Church Street, and when you are close, you will see signs for directions. A map about the workshop, campus, hotels and restaurants can be found here.

Program Committee:

John Campbell (FNAL), Sally Dawson (BNL), Lindsey Gray (FNAL), Christophe Grojean (DESY), Tao Han (U Pittsburgh), Matthew Herndon (UW Madison), Barbara Jager (U Tubingen), Michael Kobel (TU Dresden), Sabine Lammers (Indiana U), Yurii Maravin (Kansas State University), Marc-Andre Pleier (BNL), Aaron Pierce (U Michigan), Jianming Qian (U  Michigan), Jurgen Reuter (DESY), James Wells (U Michigan), Bing Zhou (U Michigan), Junjie Zhu (U Michigan)

Local Organization Committee:

Aaron Pierce, Jianming Qian, James Wells, Bing Zhou, Junjie Zhu

Session chairs:

Juergen Reuter (Tue morning), Marc-Andre Pleier (Tue afternoon), Michael Kobel (Wed morning), Jianming Qian (Wed afternoon), Tao Han (Thur morning), Aaron Pierce (Thur afternoon)

Previous MBI workshops:

2017 Karlsruhe, Germany

2016 Madison, USA

2015 Hamburg, Germany

2014 BNL, USA

2013 Dresden, Germany


335 West Hall, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109