The strong CP puzzle and axions

from Monday, 14 May 2018 (05:00) to Wednesday, 16 May 2018 (18:15)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
14 May 2018
15 May 2018
16 May 2018
09:00 Registration / welcome   ()
09:15 Symmetries and anomalies - F. Delduc, ENS Lyon   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
11:00 EDM searches - Chen-Yu Liu, Indiana   ()
09:00 ADMX - Nicole Crisosto   ()
09:40 QUAX - Giuseppe Ruoso   ()
10:20 --- Break ---
10:40 Oscillating neutron EDM - Arnaud Leredde   ()
11:20 Axion detection storage ring - Seongtae Park   ()
09:20 Experimental searches for an EDM in the neutron and nuclei - Skyler Degenkolb   ()
10:00 Spin dependent 5th force - Josh Long   ()
10:40 --- Break ---
11:10 GNOME & CASPER - Arne Wickenbrock   ()
11:40 GNOME - Mr Hector Masia (Mainz)   ()
11:50 --- PHOTO! ---
12:15 --- Lunch at H2 Restaurant ---
13:45 Strong CP, vacuum structure of QCD, and non-axionic solutions - M. Goodsell, LPTHE   ()
15:00 --- Break ---
15:15 The axion solution and its low- and high-energy pheno, including UV completions - G. Villadoro, ICTP   ()
16:30 --- Break ---
16:45 Axion cosmology - A. Ringwald, DESY   ()
12:00 --- Lunch at H2 Restaurant ---
13:30 Axion predictions in SO(10)xU(1)PQ theories - Carlos Tamarit (Munich)   ()
14:05 Cosmological Relaxation Models - Tevong You (Cambridge)   ()
14:40 Axion/ALPs-photon conversion in high-energy astrophysics - Francesca Calore (Annecy)   ()
15:15 --- Break ---
15:35 Axion-photon coupling: models vs. experiments - Luca Di Luzio (Durham)   ()
16:10 Femtolensing and Axion Miniclusters - Wei Xue (CERN)   ()
16:45 --- Break ---
17:05 Flavored Axions - Robert Ziegler (CERN)   ()
17:40 Axions in a highly protected gauge symmetry model - Quentin Bonnefoy (Polytechnique)   ()
20:00 --- Dinner in town at "La Table Ronde" 7 Place Saint-André, 38000 Grenoble ---
12:00 --- Lunch at H2 Restaurant ---
13:30 (Boosted) axion-like particles at colliders and the strong CP problem - Diego Redigolo (Weizmann)   ()
14:05 Collider probes of axion-like particles - Andrea Thamm (CERN)   ()
14:40 An Outlook on the Quest for Axions - Jure Zupan (Cincinnati)   ()