Track finding and fitting are amongst the most complex part of
event reconstruction in high-energy physics, and dominates usually
the computing time in high luminosity environment. A central part of
track reconstruction is the transport of a given track parameterisation
(i.e. the parameter estimation and associated covariances) through the
detector, respecting the magnetic field setup and the traversed detec-
tor material. While a track propagation in a sparse environment (e.g.
a tracking detector) can be sufficiently good approximated by consid-
ering discrete interactions at several positions, the propagation in a
material dense environment (e.g. calorimeters) is better served by a
continuous application of material effects. Recently, a common Track-
ing software project (Acts) born initially from the Common Tracking
code of the ATLAS experiment has been developed in order to pre-
serve the algorithmic concepts from the LHC start-up era and prepare
them for the high luminosity era of the LHC and beyond. The software
is designed in an abstract, detector independent way and prepared to
allow highly parallelised execution of all involved software modules,
including magnetic field access and alignment conditions. Therefore
the propagation algorithm needs to be as flexible and adjustable which
will be the main focus of this talk. The implemented solution for us-
ing a fourth order Runge-Kutta-Nyström integration and its extension
with continuous material integration and eventual time propagation
is presented, such as the navigation through different geometry setups
involving different environments are shown.