10–15 Mar 2019
Steinmatte conference center
Europe/Zurich timezone

Jupyter Notebook Support of the Belle 2 Software

Not scheduled
Steinmatte conference center

Steinmatte conference center

Hotel Allalin, Saas Fee, Switzerland https://allalin.ch/conference/
Poster Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research Poster Session


Dr Martin Ritter (LMU / Cluster Universe)


The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB e+e- collider has completed its first-collisions run in 2018. The experiment is currently preparing for physics data taking in 2019. With many scientists now preparing their analysis, the user friendliness of the Belle II software framework is of great importance.

Jupyter Notebooks allow for mixed code, documentation, and output like plots in a easy to use environment with a low entry barrier for new users. They are ideal for teaching and and exploratory development but can also be used for normal analysis. To use this potential for analysis and training we developed a Jupyter integration for the Belle II software. This integration makes sure everything is setup correctly and automatically configures rich output where appropriate.

We will give an overview of the current status of the integration and its current use in training and analysis as well as possible improvements and future plans.


Dr Martin Ritter (LMU / Cluster Universe) Nils Braun (KIT) Thomas Hauth (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) Thomas Kuhr

Presentation materials