10–15 Mar 2019
Steinmatte conference center
Europe/Zurich timezone

CernVM-FS Container Image Integration

Not scheduled
Steinmatte conference center

Steinmatte conference center

Hotel Allalin, Saas Fee, Switzerland https://allalin.ch/conference/
Poster Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research Poster Session


Simone Mosciatti (Politecnico di Milano (IT))


Linux containers have gained widespread use in High Energy Physics, be it for services using container engines such as containerd/kubernetes, for production jobs using container engines such as Singularity or Shifter, or for development workflows using Docker as a local container engine. Thus the efficient distribution of the container images, whose size usually ranges from a few hundred megabytes to a few tens of gigabytes, is becoming a pressing concern. Because container images show similar characteristics than scientific application stacks, unpacking the images in CernVM-FS can remedy the distribution issues provided that the container engine at hand is able to use such unpacked images from CernVM-FS.
In this contribution, we'll report on recent advances in the integration of Singularity, Docker, and containerd with CernVM-FS. We show improvements in the publishing of container images from a Docker registry that rely on new means of directly ingesting images tarballs. We'll also show a repository file system structure for storing container images that are optimized for storing both container engines using flat root file systems (Singularity) as well as container engines using layers (containerd, Docker). To evaluate the benefits of our approach, we show concrete use cases and figures for production and development images from LHC experiment stored in the recently created "unpacked.cern.ch" repository.


Simone Mosciatti (Politecnico di Milano (IT))


Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
