10–15 Mar 2019
Steinmatte conference center
Europe/Zurich timezone

Explore cloud solutions for ATLAS with $250,000 AWS cloud credits

Not scheduled
Steinmatte conference center

Steinmatte conference center

Hotel Allalin, Saas Fee, Switzerland https://allalin.ch/conference/
Poster Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research Poster Session


Yongsheng Gao (California State University (US))


Maintaining the huge computing grid facilities for LHC
experiments and replacing their hardware every few years has been very
expensive. The California State University (CSU) ATLAS group just
received $250,000 AWS cloud credit from the CSU Chancellor’s Office to
build the first virtual US ATLAS Tier 3 to explore cloud solutions for
ATLAS. We will use this award to set up full ATLAS computing
environments on the cloud for ATLAS physics analysis frame works, MC
generation, simulation and production. We will also develop policies
for ATLAS members to submit jobs to the cloud and develop an economic
model focused especially on the cost effectiveness of cloud solutions
for ATLAS through extensive real user experience. The results will
help ATLAS computing and physics communities decide future directions
with incoming LHC upgrades.


Yongsheng Gao (California State University (US)) Dr Joshua Moss (California State University (US)) Dr Harinder Singh Bawa (California State University (US)) Kathryn Grimm (California State University (US))

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
