WG11 Detector Design Meeting

37/R-022 - 37/R-022 (CERN)

37/R-022 - 37/R-022


Show room on map
    • 1
      Information / News
      Speakers: Francesco Grancagnolo (INFN), Mogens Dam (University of Copenhagen (DK))
    • 2
      IR Layout and mechanical integration issues
      Speaker: Manuela Boscolo (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
    • 3
      CLD detector model overview
      Speaker: Oleksandr Viazlo (CERN)
    • 4
      IDEA Detector model overview
      Speaker: Franco Bedeschi (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))
    • 5
      IDEA dual readout calorimeter
      Speaker: Massimiliano Antonello (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
    • 6
      IDEA drift chamber
      Speaker: Giovanni F. Tassielli (INFN Lecce / Università del Salento)
    • 7
      Beam background impact in the IDEA drift chamber
      Speaker: Niloufar Alipour Tehrani (CERN)
    • 8
      Luminosity measurement and backgrounds
      Speaker: Mogens Dam (University of Copenhagen (DK))