- Joachim Mnich (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Hamburg and Zeuthen (DE))
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is the next upgrade of the currently operating Super-Kamiokande experiment. Hyper-K is a large water Cherenkov detector with a fiducial volume which will be approximately 10 times larger than its precursor. Its broad physics program includes neutrinos from astronomical sources, nucleon decay, with the main focus the determination of leptonic CP violation.
To detect...
Traditional energy measurements in hadron detection have always been spoiled by the non-compensation problem. Hadronic showers develop an electromagnetic component, from neutral mesons’ decays, over-imposed on the non electromagnetic component. As the two are typically sampled with very different responses, fluctuations between them directly spoil the hadronic energy resolution. Dual-readout...
We report on the recent activity of the NA64 experiment at the SPS of CERN. The NA64 experiment uses a beam dump setup to conduct missing energy searches with a high intensity electron beam.
In 2016$\,$-$\,$2018 separate dedicated searches for two mediators between standard model and dark sector, a new light vector boson A' and a new short-lived neutral boson X, were performed. The A' was...