- Manfred Jeitler (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
We present results on measurements of the single photon time resolution on silicon photomultipliers using bi-luminescence. When a silicon photomultipler is biased passed breakdown, each avalanche produces a number of photons as electron-hole pairs recombine. If these photons enter a neighboring cell and trigger an additional avalanche, the process is referred to as optical cross-talk. We refer...
Measurements and analysis methods are presented with the aim to determine the SiPM performance after irradiation by neutrons to fluences between 10^9 and 5x10^14 neq/cm^2. SiPMs with 4384 pixels of 15x15 µm2 produced by KETEK are used.
Following measurements and analyses will be presented to determine the fluence dependence of the SiPM parameters given in the list.
1. Y–f from which the pixel...
Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) of a visible pump photon is the generation of two less energetic, quantum entangled photons (QEPs), often in the near infrared (NIR), using a non-linear crystal such as beta barium borate (BBO). Since the detection of one QEP predicates the existence of its entangled twin, QEPs have previously been used to measure the absolute photon detection...
Photon detection is a key factor to study many physical processes in several areas of fundamental physics research. Focusing the attention on photodetectors for particle astrophysics, we understand that we are very close to new discoveries and new results. In order to push the progress in the study of very high-energy or extremely rare phenomena (e.g. dark matter, proton decay, neutrinos from...