Alfons Weber
(University of Oxford (GB))
6/18/18, 10:30 AM
Roberto Petti
(University of South Carolina (US))
6/19/18, 10:30 AM
Marco Drewes
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
6/20/18, 10:30 AM
Matheus Hostert
(Durham University)
6/20/18, 2:00 PM
Luca Buonocore
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
6/20/18, 3:00 PM
Yu-Dai Tsai
(Cornell University)
6/21/18, 2:00 PM
We set constraints on millicharged particles (mCPs) based on electron scattering data from MiniBooNE and the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector (LSND). Both experiments are found to provide new (and leading) constraints in certain mCP mass windows: 5 - 35 MeV for LSND and 100 - 180 MeV for MiniBooNE. Furthermore, we provide projections for the ongoing SBN program, the Deep Underground...
Jacobo Lopez Pavon
6/22/18, 10:30 AM