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3–12 May 2019
Museum Casa de los Árabes
Cuba timezone

Lie-Backlund transformations for residual symmetries in General Relativity

7 May 2019, 15:10
Museum Casa de los Árabes

Museum Casa de los Árabes

Ofícios 16, Havana 10100, Old Havana


Miguel Angel Marquina Carmona (CINVESTAV IPN)


Lie-Backlund transformations have been used to extend the criteria proposed by Ayón-Beato and Velázquez-Rodríguez for characterizing the residual symmetries of the gravitational ansatz developed according to Lie-point transformations. We found that non-local Lie-Backlund transformations allows us to obtain the more general residual symmetries of the metric. We present the generalized criteria for finding all residual symmetries for any metric ansatz in general relativity.

Primary authors

Eloy Ayón Beato (Cinvestav) Gerardo Velázquez Rodriguéz (Arkansas State University Campus Queretaro) Miguel Angel Marquina Carmona (CINVESTAV IPN)

Presentation materials