Jun 24 – 28, 2019
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace
Europe/Zurich timezone

The CEA dipole model for the FCC

Jun 27, 2019, 4:24 PM
Ballroom II (Ground floor)

Ballroom II

Ground floor

Presentation Superconducting magnets & associated technologies Magnets


Etienne Rochepault (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))


F2D2, the FCC Flared-ends Dipole Demonstrator, is a 15 T single-aperture short model being developed within a collaboration between CEA Paris-Saclay and CERN. The magnet will be fabricated at CEA and then tested at CERN. The design phase is ongoing at CEA and we will report on its status. The 2D magnetic and mechanical designs have been optimized and allowed defining the operating points and the required structural components. F2D2 will be the first Nb3Sn block-coil magnet using two cable grades. The cables will be spliced outside of the magnet, which represents one of the most complex design feature, and requires a special focus on the magnet ends. To do so, the design of the magnet has been performed using a CAD (Computer Aided Design) and both magnetic and mechanical 3D FEM (Finite-Elements Models). The CAD defines precisely the complex coil-ends shape that allows positioning the layer jumps and routing the cable exits. The FEM are used to optimize the longitudinal pre-load system in order to contain the large Lorentz forces during operation. The magnet is pre-loaded transversally with bladders and keys and with an external Al shell; and longitudinally with Al tie-rods and end-plates. The pre-load levels are computed to operate the magnet under sufficient compression, while minimizing the stress in the coil and avoid degradation.


Etienne Rochepault (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Helene Felice (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Valerio Calvelli (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) Maria Durante Mr Philip Jonathan Mallon (CEA Paris-Saclay) Pierre Manil (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) Mr Jean-François Millot (CEA Paris-Saclay) Mr Gilles Minier (CEA Paris-Saclay) Susana Izquierdo Bermudez (CERN)

Presentation materials