EASITrain: Early Stage Researchers' work status
- Amalia Ballarino (CERN)
This presentation shows the current status of the microstructural analyses concerning several superconducting materials, envisioned for diverse components of the Future Circular Collider: Nb3Sn, YBCO, MgB2 (Magnets), Tl-1223 (Beam screen) and NbN (RF Cavities). All the samples have to be properly prepared in order to be consequently well characterized by employing different electron microscopy...
Based upon the conceptual design reports for the FCC cryogenic system, the need for more accurate thermodynamic property models of mixtures was identified. Both academic institutes and world-wide industries have identified the lack of reliable equation of state for mixtures used at very low temperatures. Detailed cryogenic architecture modeling and design cannot be assessed without valid fluid...
The study of high-energy Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) study includes investigation on thallium based high temperature superconducting materials to act as part of the beam screen for the circulating high energy proton beams stability. At present, the copper coating is used to keep the beam coupling impedance low, but at 50K it might not be sufficiently low. For beam stability, high-...
Development of a Nelium Turbo-Brayton cryogenic refrigerator for the FCC-hh -
EASITrain project status overview
S. Savelyeva, S. Klöppel, Ch. Haberstroh, H. Quack
Technische Universität Dresden - Bitzer Chair of Refrigeration, Cryogenics and Compressor Technology
The scope of the EASITrain project includes the development of the cryogenic system for the 40-60 K beam screen cooling as a...