9 October 2023
Mary Ward House Conference and Exhibition Centre
Europe/London timezone
Workshop Registration will close at the end of Monday 2nd October

A Raspberry Pi based multi-channel data acquisition system

9 Oct 2023, 12:10
Mary Ward House Conference and Exhibition Centre

Mary Ward House Conference and Exhibition Centre

London, UK
Oral Presentation Session 2 Detector Systems


Lubos Vozdecky (University of London (GB))


We present a summary of a commercial off the shelf data acquisition project to demonstrate the ability to use a Raspberry Pi as a data acquisition system for a multi channel readout of sensors. The system realised was capable of reading out with a 150ns sampling rate and had a 16 channel capability (expandable to 32 channels) with a touch screen interface. This could be used for radiation detection, or coupled with other types of sensor.

Primary author

Lubos Vozdecky (University of London (GB))


Adrian Bevan (Queen Mary University of London (GB))

Presentation materials