16–20 Sept 2019
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Europe/Paris timezone

Hadronic Properties from Basis Light Front Quantization

19 Sept 2019, 11:55
Amphithéâtre Sophie Germain (Alan Turing Building)

Amphithéâtre Sophie Germain

Alan Turing Building

Field theories in the front form Plenary


James Vary (Iowa State University)


Basis Light Front Quantization provides a practical framework and is actively used for solving the mass eigenvalue problem of the light-front Hamiltonian for hadronic systems. I will review recent results for mixed-flavor and light mesons as well as for baryons. These results include masses, decay constants, transition rates, form factors, parton distribution functions including their QCD evolution, transverse momentum distributions, non-perturbative time-dependent scattering amplitudes and others. Comparisons with experimental data as well as with results from Lattice QCD and the Dyson-Schwinger approach will be presented where available. Prospects for applications to more complex multi-quark and multi-gluon systems will be outlined.


James Vary (Iowa State University)

Presentation materials