Bob Tschirhart
Fermilab is leading an international consortium to develop the design of “Project-X” which is an accelerator complex based on a new H- linac that will drive a broad range of experiments at the Intensity Frontier. Project X will provide multi-MW beams from the Main Injector over the energy range 60-120 GeV, simultaneous with mult-MW beams at 3 GeV. The Project-X research program includes world-leading sensitivity in long-baseline neutrino experiments, neutrino scattering experiments, and a rich program of ultra-rare decay and electric dipole moment experiments that are sensitive to most new physics scenarios beyond the Standard Model. Shared technology development with ILC and the Muon Collider will establish a bridge to future facilities at the energy frontier. This talk will describe the Project-X accelerator configuration, associated performance projections, status of the accelerator and detector R&D program and the strategy for moving forward.
Bob Tschirhart