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22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Specifications for posters & talks


The Conference program of all Parallel Sessions is online. Click on Timetable in the left menu of this page to access it.

The duration of the talk is clearly marked on the Timetable. We encouraged everyone to strictly respect the assigned time in order to allow all Parallel Session to run smoothly. Some Sessions indicated the duration of the talk including question time, some other do not. You can generally easily understand by looking at the starting time of the next talk: if a few minutes have been left free, that's the question time. Contact the Conveners of your Session if you need more details.

Acceptable formats for the slides were PDF, Ms PowerPoint, openOffice, Ms Word. There were a few overhead projectors.


IMPORTANT: UPLOADING SLIDES: The slides of your talk had to be uploaded on the INDICO system the night before your talk at the latest. Our Scientific Secretaries took them from the INDICO and made them available for you on the computers of the conference rooms. It was not possible to use personal laptops for your presentation.

In order to upload the slides on the INDICO: you logged in the ICHEP INDICO website by using the Login button in the upper right corner of this webpage; you saw a link 'My Contributions' appear on the lower left corner, from which you could access the upload area for your talk(s): you clicked on the title of the talk and on Add Material. In case of problems, you had to inform us immediately (at the email address below), mentioning all the details (INDICO account and contribution ID). Scientific Secretaries were available in each parallel session at the Palais des Congres to solve last minute problems.


Posters had to be of the A0 standard format (height 119 cm, width 84 cm). The height could be extended to 150 cm if needed, but the width limit was (supposed to be) strict.

They were displayed on plastic white boards. Tape was made available (the use of pins was not possible). A total of about 130 posters were on display. A scientific secretary was available to help locate the correct board. Having your contribution ID ready helped for a faster localization of the board.

Storage of the carrying folders or cases was not foreseen.

Posters were put in place on the first day, Thursday July 22nd, starting 7am and tentatively before 9am. There was an 'official opening' of the poster area in the afternoon of Thursday July 22nd, after the end of the parallel sessions. Posters then stayed on display for the entire duration of the conference (6 days). They were displayed all together and at the same place, ordered according to the Track they belong to.

We required the presenter to stand by the poster on the day of the opening. We of course suggested he/she spent as much time as wanted beside the poster, especially during breaks. 

NB There were no printing facilities provided by the conference organization. You had to come with the final printed paper poster.


UPLOADING the source file: We invited you to upload the source file of your poster on the INDICO as soon as possible. PDF preferred. You had to follow the same instructions as for talks above or contact us.

Contact: (not maintained after 2010)