Antonio Petrella
(INFN, Sezione di Ferrara-Universita di Ferrara)
We present a set of measurements of semileptonic B meson decays to charm using the BABAR data set collected at the SLAC e+e- B-factory operating on the Upsilon(4S) resonance. This paper includes: a report on the observation of the B -> Ds K l nu X decay mode the knowledge of which provides input to the "1/2 vs 3/2 puzzle" of semileptonic B decays into broad D** states, where there is disagreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results; a search for B -> LambdaC X l nu decays in events tagged by a fully reconstructed B Meson; a measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vcb| and the form-factor slope rho^2 in B -> Dlnu decays in events tagged by a fully reconstructed B meson; and measurements of the moments of observed spectra in inclusive semileptonic B-meson decays to charm hadrons B -> Xclnu which are used for the extraction of the total decay fraction, |Vcb|, the b- and c-quark masses, and four heavy-quark QCD parameters in the framework of a Heavy Quark Expansion.
Collaboration BABAR