22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

ATLAS Higgs Sensitivity for 1/fb of data at the LHC running at 7 TeV

23 Jul 2010, 17:19
Salle 252B

Salle 252B

Parallel Session Talk 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking


Tatsuya Masubuchi (University of Tokyo)


The search for Higgs bosons at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is based on the analysis of independent final states, such as photon, tau, W and Z pairs. The Higgs discovery potential of ATLAS for each independent final state, as well as for combined channels, is reviewed and discussed. Results are presented for an integrated luminosity for 1/fb at 7 TeV center of mass energy at the LHC. Practical methods to estimate the backgrounds using control samples in real data are discussed. Validation of some of the data driven background estimation methods using the early 7 TeV ATLAS data at the LHC is also presented.


Prof. Michel Lefebvre (University of Victoria)

Presentation materials