22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Hadroproduction on nuclei: inclusive cross-sections and parametrizations

Not scheduled
Palais des Congrès de Paris

Palais des Congrès de Paris

2 place de la Porte Maillot Paris 17
Poster 04 - Hadronic Structure, Parton Distributions, soft QCD, Spectroscopy


Mikhail Gostkin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (JINR)-Unknown-Unknown)


Inclusive hadron production cross-sections of the interactions of few GeV/c protons and charged pions with nuclei are of interest for the understanding of the underlying physics, the modeling of Monte Carlo generators of hadron-nucleus collisions, and for the design of neutrino beams. Precise and comprehensive double-differential inclusive hadron production cross-sections from Be, C, Cu, Ta and Pb target nuclei are presented and their characteristics discussed, with emphasis on their dependence on the nuclear mass number.


Mikhail Gostkin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (JINR)-Unknown-Unknown)

Presentation materials