22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Precision measurement of the top quark mass and width with the DZero detector

23 Jul 2010, 11:00
Salle Maillot

Salle Maillot

Parallel Session Talk 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking


Alexander Grohsjean (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen)


We report a set of measurements of the top quark mass obtained from proton-antiproton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron with the DZero detector using different decay modes and analysis methods. We present measurements of the top quark width, and mass difference between the top and anti-top quark as well.


DZero DZero collaboration (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))

Presentation materials