22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Light quarks on the lattice: methods and results for pion physics

23 Jul 2010, 09:00
Salle 252A

Salle 252A

Parallel Session Talk 09 - Progress in Lattice Techniques and New Results 09 - Progress in Lattice Techniques and New Results


Stefan Schaefer (Humboldt University Berlin)


Ab-initio studies of the physics of pions using lattice QCD have become possible over the last decade, where particular attention was given to the computation of the constants of the chiral Lagrangian. This is due to significant progress in algorithms, which now allow simulations with light sea quarks on fine lattices. This talk has two objectives: the first is to introduce the ideas behind the algorithmic advances along with the status and prospects of the simulations. After that, the state of the physics results will be reviewed, with particular emphasis on the chiral low-energy constants.


Stefan Schaefer (Humboldt University Berlin)

Presentation materials