Boris Khazin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Two detectors - CMD-3 and SND are now performing first technical run on VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. One of the main goals of physical program for both detectors is the precision measurements of e+e-→hadrons cross sections up to the highest achievable at VEPP-2000 energy, equal to 2 GeV in c.m. While the previous set of experiments performed with VEPP-2M collider allowed the comparison of measured at BNL muon (g-2) value with SM prediction, revealing 3 sigma difference, the precision of experiments on VEPP-2000 should match an accuracy of new muon (g-2) measurement now planning at Fermilab. Some detail of detectors performance and first physical results will be presented in the talk.
Primary author
Boris Khazin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)