22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

The ANTARES neutrino telescope

24 Jul 2010, 14:20
Salle 251

Salle 251

Parallel Session Talk 11 - Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology 11 - Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology


Prof. Maurizio Spurio (University of Bologna and INFN)


The ANTARES high-energy neutrino telescope is a three-dimensional array of 885 photomultipliers distributed over 12 lines, installed deep in the Mediterranean Sea and completed in May 2008. The detector is optimized for the detection of muon neutrinos in an energy range from a few hundred GeV up to 1 PeV. The main goal of the experiment is to probe the Universe by means of neutrino events in an attempt to investigate the nature of high energy astrophysical accelerators, to contribute to the identification of cosmic ray sources, and to explore the nature of dark matter. The status of the detector and the first results from the analyses carried out will be reported. In particular, the results of the searches for point-like neutrino sources and of the search for an excess of events over the expected atmospheric neutrino background due to a diffuse flux of very-high energy (E>100 TeV) neutrinos will be presented.

Primary author

Prof. Maurizio Spurio (University of Bologna and INFN)

Presentation materials