22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

The Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) Project

24 Jul 2010, 15:20
Salle 253

Salle 253

Parallel Session Talk 14 - Future Machines and Projects 14 - Future Machines and Projects


Prof. Max Klein (University of Liverpool)


Under the auspices of CERN, ECFA and NuPECC, a Conceptual Design Report is being prepared on the physics, detector and accelerator for an ep/eA collider, which by adding an O(60) GeV energy electron beam to the proton/ion beams of the LHC, will open a path to high mass and lowest Bjorken x explorations of polarised electron/positron-quark/gluon interactions at TeV energies. The LHeC will extend the kinematic range of ep deep inelastic scattering (in 1/x and Q2) and the integrated luminosity by factors of 100 as compared to HERA. The presentation will highlight the physics programme and describe the design of a new detector and the two options of the accelerator considered, a ring-ring and a linac-ring version of the LHeC.

Primary author

Prof. Max Klein (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials