22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Search for non-standard model physics in rare decays at CDF

24 Jul 2010, 15:15
Salle 242A

Salle 242A

Parallel Session Talk 06 - CP violation, CKM and Rare Decays 06 - CP violation, CKM and Rare Decays


Marco Rescigno (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Roma 1)


Quantities related to B decays that are strongly suppressed in the standard model may provide early indications of non-SM physics. CDF has the world's largest heavy flavor samples and can explore rare decays with unprecedented sensitivity. We present the first observation of B0_s --> phi mu+ mu- decays (the rarest B0_s decays observed), a measurement of forward-backward asymmetry in B0 --> K* mu+ mu- competitive with world-leading results, and the first measurement of polarization amplitudes in B0_s --> phi phi decays.


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