22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Study of multi-lepton events at HERA

22 Jul 2010, 15:25
Salle 252B

Salle 252B

Parallel Session Talk 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking 02 - The Standard Model and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking


Dr David South (DESY)


Events with at least two high transverse momentum leptons (electrons or muons) are studied using the H1 and ZEUS detectors at HERA. Seven di- and tri-lepton events are observed in e+p collision data with a scalar sum of the lepton transverse momenta above 100 GeV, while 1.94 +- 0.17 events are expected. Such events are not observed in e-p collisions for which 1.19 +- 0.12 are predicted. A search for events containing two high-transverse-momentum tau leptons has been performed and observed results will be presented.


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