Vladimir Chekelian
(MPI fuer Physik)
Using the deep inelastic e+p and e-p neutral and charged current scattering cross sections, including data with polarised electron beams, a combined electroweak and QCD analysis is performed. The inclusive single differential cross section d(sigma)/d(Q^2) and the reduced double differential cross section sigma tilde(x,Q^2) are presented for the charged current process, e+/- p -> nu X, in interactions with longitudinally polarised lepton beams using the complete HERA-II data set. The inclusive single differential cross section d(sigma)/d(Q^2) and the reduced double differential cross section sigma tilde(x,Q^2) are presented for the neutral current process, e+/- p -> e+/- X, in interactions with longitudinally polarised lepton beams using the complete HERA-II data set.