22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Heavy flavour phenomenology from lattice QCD

23 Jul 2010, 17:15
Salle 252A

Salle 252A

Parallel Session Talk 09 - Progress in Lattice Techniques and New Results 09 - Progress in Lattice Techniques and New Results


Dr Elvira Gamiz (Fermilab)


Heavy quark quantities are useful for testing lattice techniques against well known experimental results, as well as for testing the Standard Model (SM) itself, and searching for physics beyond the SM. I will review the results of recent lattice calculations relevant for this program including those of B and D decay constants and semileptonic decay form factors, and neutral B mixing. The impact of future improvements of lattice results on the clarification of the origin of several disagreement between theory and experiment which are starting to show up in the quark flavour sector, and the study on the lattice of processes with potential to probe new physics at future experiments, like rare B-decays, will also be discussed.


Dr Elvira Gamiz (Fermilab)

Presentation materials