22–28 Jul 2010
Palais des Congrès de Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Jet physics at HERA

24 Jul 2010, 14:00
Salle 252B

Salle 252B

Parallel Session Talk 03 - Perturbative QCD, Jets and Diffractive Physics 03 - Perturbative QCD, Jets and Diffractive Physics


Claudia Glasman (DESY)


Jet Production in ep collisions is presented over the 3 orders of magnitude in Q² and a subsequent determination of alpha_s. A first measurement is presented of the charge asymmetry in the hadronic final state from the hard interaction in DIS neutral current scattering. The production of energetic photons produced at low scattering angles is studied in the DIS case. For the first time, differential inclusive-jet cross sections have been measured in neutral current deep DIS using the anti-kt and SIScone algorithms. New measurements of the Dijet cross sections in neutral current and photoproduction are shown. Scaled momentum distributions of charged particles in dijet photoproduction and DIS are also presented. Other measurements discussed: the Azimuthal Correlation between the Scattered Electron and the most Forward Jet and subjet distributions in DIS.


Dr Katja Krueger (DESY/Heidelberg) Dr Tobias Haas (DESY)

Presentation materials