13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
- Frank Wuerthwein (UCSD)
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
- Patricia McBride (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
- Isabelle Wingerter (LAPP Annecy)
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
- Ties Behnke (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
Toshiyuki Iwamoto
(The University of Tokyo)
24/07/2010, 09:00
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
The MEG experiment, which searches for a rare muon decay, mu --> e gamma, to explore supersymmetric grand unification, has started physics run since 2008 at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. Its innovative detector system, which consists of a 900 liter liquid xenon scintillation photon detector and a positron spectrometer with a superconducting magnet, drift chamber, and timing counter,...
Imad Laktineh
24/07/2010, 09:20
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
The CALICE Collaboration is carrying out R&D for a highly granular calorimeter system, optimised for particle flow calorimetry at a future linear collider. Starting in 2006, a complete calorimeter chain (ECAL, HCAL and tail catcher) has been tested in muon, electron and hadron beams at CERN and Fermilab. Two electromagnetic calorimeters were tested, both based on tungsten absorber โ one using...
Markus Klute
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
24/07/2010, 09:45
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
In this presentation we will discuss the early experience with the CMS computing model from the last large scale challenge activities through the early collisions runs. Between the initial definition of the CMS Computing Model in 2004 and the start of high energy collisions in 2010, CMS exercised numerous scaling tests. We will discuss how those tests have helped prepare the experiment for...
Graeme Andrew Stewart
(University of Glasgow)
24/07/2010, 10:05
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
In this paper we summarise ATLAS operations from the STEP09 campaign in June 2009 through to ATLAS taking data in the first 7 TeV collisions at the LHC in 2010. We describe the lessons which were learned from the STEP09 challenge, both in proving which parts of the system were in good shape, but also in highlighting those areas which required improvement. We then describe the experience of...
Said Hasan
(Universita dell'Insubria - Como and INFN Milan-Bicocca)
24/07/2010, 11:00
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
Bent crystals are devices able to deflect ultrarelativistic particle beams, exploting the electric fields, present at the atomic scale, which are equivalent to a magnetic field of hundreds of tesla. For this reason they are currently used in particle accelerators for beam extraction, splitting and collimation. Inside a bent crystal, several particle trajectories are possible as a function of...
Simon George
(Royal Holloway)
24/07/2010, 11:20
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
In 2010 ATLAS has seen the first proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV. Later this year a collision rate of nearly 10 MHz is expected. Events of potential interest for physics analysis are selected by a three-level trigger system, with a final recording rate of about 200 Hz. The first level (L1) is implemented in customized hardware, the two levels of the high level trigger (HLT) are software...
Herbert Rohringer
(Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY) - Oesterreichische Akad.)
24/07/2010, 11:35
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
We describe the functionality of the hardware based CMS L1 trigger system, which uses special trigger data from our Muon system, the Electromagnetic and Hadronic calorimeters for triggering on jets, electron/gammas and muons, total transverse and missing energy. With these "triggerobjects" complex algorithms can be built, which run simultaneously in the hardware, can be grouped together and...
Flavio Archilli
(University of Rome Tor Vergata)
24/07/2010, 11:50
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
The KLOE experiment at the DAFNE e+e- collider of the Frascati Laboratories of INFN is going to start a second data-taking campaign (KLOE-2). The detector has been upgraded with small angle electron taggers, while the insertion near the interaction point of an inner tracker is planned for the next year. The interaction region of DAFNE has been modified using a crabbed waist scheme. It has been...
Andrew Laing
(University of Glasgow)
24/07/2010, 12:10
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
The Neutrino Factory is the most powerful of the proposed facilities to search for CP violation in the lepton sector via neutrino oscillations. It delivers a well known beam of electron neutrinos and muon-antineutrinos from positive muon decay (electron-antineutrinos and muon neutrinos from negative muon decay) produced in the straight sections of the storage rings in which the muons are...
Flor de Maria Blaszczyk
(CEA / Irfu / SPP)
24/07/2010, 14:00
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
Tokai to Kamioka (T2K) is a new generation neutrino oscillation experiment that started collecting data in 2009 in Japan. A ฮฝฮผ beam produced by an intense proton beam colliding onto a target is directed from J-PARC (Tokai) to the 50kt water Cerenkov detector Super Kamiokande at a distance of 295 km. T2Kโs main goals are measuring one of the last unknown parameters of the PMNS matrix ฮธ13 by...
Marco Adinolfi
(University of Bristol)
24/07/2010, 14:20
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
After several years of experience with Grid production and Analysis dealing with simulated data, the first LHC collision data (as of March 2010) have confronted the LHCb Computing Model with real data. The LHCb Computing Model is somewhat different from the traditional MONARC hierarchical model used by the other LHC experiments: first pass reconstruction, as well as further reprocessings, are...
Gianluca Cerminara
24/07/2010, 14:40
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
The CMS detector, now taking data at the LHC in Geneva, is a very complex apparatus with more than 70 million acquisition channels. To exploit its full physics potential, a very careful calibration of the various components (crystal, drift tubes, silicon devices) and their attached electronics, together with an optimal knowledge of them in 3D space, is absolutely needed. The CMS Collaboration...
Peter Onyisi
(University of Chicago)
24/07/2010, 15:00
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC started to accumulate 7TeV pp collisions data early in 2010. We shall report on the operations of the detector, discussing e.g. details of the detector status, the data acquisition efficiency with beam, the online measurement of the LHC luminosity. The online monitoring and data quality assessment will be described.
Jochen Kaminski
(Bonn University)
24/07/2010, 15:20
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
Micro-pattern gas detectors are used for an increasingly wide range of detector applications in particle physics. Both GEM based detectors and Micromegas based detectors are being studied. Several new production techniques in particular for Micromegas detectors have recently been announced.
In this talk the state of the different technologies will be discussed, together with a review of their...
Silvia Amerio
(INFN Padova)
24/07/2010, 16:15
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
Real time event reconstruction plays a fundamental role in High Energy Physics experiments. Reducing the rate of data to be saved on tape from millions to hundreds per second is critical. In order to increase the purity of the collected samples, rate reduction has to be coupled with the capability to simultaneously perform a first selection of the most interesting events. A fast and efficient...
Marc Winter
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien)
24/07/2010, 16:35
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
CMOS pixel sensors have demonstrated attractive performances in terms of spatial resolution and material budget. The recent emergence of high resistivity substrates in mass production CMOS processes has originated particularly high signal-to-noise ratios and improved the non-ionising radiation tolerance to fluences close to 10^14 Neq/cm^2. These achievements, obtained with MIMOSA sensors...
Marina Artuso
(Syracuse university)
24/07/2010, 16:55
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
LHCb probes physics beyond the Standard Model by measuring CP violating and rare b and c decays. It also searches for the production of exotic objects at large rapidities and relatively small transverse momenta. Sensitivities can be greatly enhanced by having an order of magnitude larger data sample than originally planned and a more flexible trigger. We can reconfigure the LHCb experiment to...
Andrey Loginov
(Yale University, Physics Department)
24/07/2010, 17:15
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
With the LHC collecting first data at 7 TeV, plans are already advancing for a series of upgrades leading eventually to about five times the LHC design-luminosity some 10 years from now in the super-LHC (sLHC) project. The goal is to extend the data set from about 500 fb-1 proposed for the LHC to 3000 fb-1 by around 2030. Coping with the high instantaneous and integrated luminosity will...
Ivan Kresimir Furic
(Department of Physics - University of Florida)
24/07/2010, 17:35
13 - Advances in Instrumentation and Computing for HEP
Parallel Session Talk
The CMS detector will be upgraded during the anticipated year-long shutdowns of 2012 and 2015/2016 to enhance its physics reach. Operating after collection of few tens of fb-1 luminosity at nominal energy, the upgraded detector would have already explored the Standard Model higgs sector and TeV-scale SUSY and other new physics processes. The physics program beyond 2015 will be primarily for...