10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
- Sacha Davidson (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude Bernard)
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
- Christopher Hill (University of Bristol)
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
- Christopher Hill (University of Bristol)
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
- Robert Roser (Fermilab)
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
- Sacha Davidson (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universitรฉ Claude Bernard)
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
- Tony Gherghetta (University of Melbourne)
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
- Tony Gherghetta (University of Melbourne)
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
- Robert Roser (Fermilab)
Christopher Gorham Lester
(University of Cambridge)
23/07/2010, 09:00
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We review the methods which have been proposed for measuring masses of new particles at the Large Hadron Collider paying particular attention to the kinematical techniques suitable for extracting mass information when invisible particles are expected. This talk is, in effect, a companion to a recent review with the same title: (Barr & Lester)
Didar Dobur
(University of Florida)
23/07/2010, 09:25
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
Searches for supersymmetry (SUSY) and other phenomena beyond the standard model involve a broad range of signatures with jets, leptons, photons, and missing transverse momentum (MET). These searches require careful control over backgrounds from standard model processes. We present the current understanding of these issues both in SUSY searches and in other beyond-the-standard-model searches...
Lorenzo Basso
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - STFC)
23/07/2010, 09:45
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We present the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) discovery potential in the Z' sector of a U(1)_{B-L} enlarged Standard Model (that also includes three heavy Majorana neutrinos and an additional Higgs boson) for sqrt{s}=7 and 14 TeV centre-of-mass (CM) energies, considering both the Z'_{B-L} -> e+e- and Z'_{B-L} -> ยต+ยต- decay channels.
The run of the LHC at sqrt{s}=7 TeV, assuming at most โซL ~ 1...
Dominique Fortin
23/07/2010, 10:05
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
The Standard Model predicts relatively low backgrounds to processes with high-pt leptons, and photons making them strong candidates for early discoveries. We present the results of the most sensitive such searches based on first data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC.
Nhan Viet Tran
(Rowland Dept. of Phys. and Astron.-Johns Hopkins University)
23/07/2010, 11:00
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We present techniques and analysis tools to study the production and decay of a single resonance produced at the LHC. In a model-independent way, we show how to perform analysis of the resonance decay products to ascertain the spin of the resonance, its parity and production mechanism, and its general couplings to Standard Model matter and gauge fields. Examples of spin-zero, -one, and -two...
Edmond Berger
23/07/2010, 11:15
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We explore the potential for discovery of an exotic color sextet scalar in same sign top quark pair production in early running at the LHC. We present the first phenomenological analysis at collider energies of a color sextet scalar with full top quark spin correlations included. We demonstrate that one can measure the scalar mass, the top quark polarization, and confirm the scalar resonance...
Jim Brooke
(H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory)
23/07/2010, 11:30
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We report the preliminary results of searches for long-lived particles produced in 7 TeV pp collisions from CERNโs Large Hadron Collider. A signature-based search for heavy stable charged particles using a high transverse-momentum muon trigger was performed. The search uses time-of-flight and ionization energy loss to isolate slowly moving, heavy, high transverse momentum particles. This...
Pasquale-Fabrizio Salvatore
(University of Sussex)
23/07/2010, 11:50
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
Exotic heavy long-lived particles are predicted in a range of theories which extend the Standard Model. Supersymmetry models alone allow for meta-stable sleptons, squarks and gauginos. Such particles are identifiable as they traverse the detecter by observables related to tracking, timing and energy loss which differ for Standard Model and exotic processes. Also, if a model such as...
(Tokyo Gakugei University)
23/07/2010, 12:10
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We study gluino decays, and squark production and decays, in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with squark generation mixing. We show that the mixing effects can be very large in a significant range of quark-flavour-violating parameters despite the very strong constraints on quark-flavour-violation (QFV) from experimental data on B mesons.
We find that under favourable...
Zoltan Ligeti
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
23/07/2010, 14:00
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We explore which new physics signatures could be discovered in the first year of the LHC, beyond the expected sensitivity of the Tevatron data and other constraints. We construct "supermodels", for which the LHC sensitivity even with only 10 pb-1 useful luminosity is greater than that of the Tevatron with 10 fb-1. The simplest scenarios involve s-channel resonances in the quark-antiquark and...
Georgios Choudalakis
(University of Chicago, Enrico Fermi Institute)
23/07/2010, 14:20
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We summarize the analyses of high-pt jets in early pp collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector. The data are confronted with Standard Model predictions with the goal of searching for new phenomena: resonances, gravitationally mediated effects, and contact interactions.
Konstantinos Kousouris
23/07/2010, 14:40
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We report on a search for new physics in dijet production at CMS, using the first pp collision data at sqrt{s}=7 TeV provided by CERN's Large Hadron Collider. The measured dijet mass spectrum is compared with QCD predictions. We use the dijet mass spectrum to search for dijet resonances that could come from several models, such as, axigluons, flavor univerals colorons, excited quarks or E6...
Juan Antonio Aguilar Saavedra
(University of Granada and LIP)
23/07/2010, 15:00
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
I will show how the general trilinear interactions of the top quark (or any other fermion) arising from dimension-six gauge invariant operators are simplified when several operators in the Buchmuller & Wyler list, recently found to be redundant (arxiv:0811.3842, arxiv:0904.2387) are dropped. I will present some practical applications of this simplification for phenomenology, including the...
Nathan Goldschmidt
(Univ. of Florida)
23/07/2010, 15:20
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We describe searches for resonant top-antitop production at the Tevatron. Resonant top pair production could arise from the decays of massive Z-like bosons in extended gauge theories, KK states of the gluon or Z, axigluons, topcolor, and other BSM theories. We use different techniques to study the top-antitop invariant mass spectrum and set model independent limits on new resonant top-antitop...
Alison Lister
(University of Geneva)
23/07/2010, 16:15
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
Fifteen years since the discovery of top at the Tevatron, with the large Run 2 dataset in hand and plenty of analysis experience, we have now reached the point where we can perform in-depth examinations of the top quark event sample for evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. We present a search for a massive quark (t') decaying to Wq or Wb and thus mimicking the top quark decay...
Pyungwon Ko
23/07/2010, 16:35
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
Motivated by a possible anomaly in the forward-backward (FB) asymmetry of top quark (A_FB) observed at the Tevatron, we perform a model independent analysis on qqbar -> ttbar using an effective lagrangian with dim-6 four-quark operators.
We derive necessary conditions on new physics structures and the couplings that are consistent with the $t\bar{t}$ production cross section and A_FB measured...
Adam Lyon
23/07/2010, 16:55
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We study same-charge dilepton events and WZ resonances at the Tevatron. Same sign dilepton events are rare inthe standard model and could indicate new physics processes such as chargino neutralino production in super symmetric models. A model-independent search is presented. A second analysis in which examines both lepton + jets and fully leptonic final states are used to search for...
Dรถrthe Ludwig
(DESY/ University of Hamburg)
23/07/2010, 17:15
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
Physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) can modify the relations between electroweak observables and their theoretical predictions. Such effects can be parametrised in terms of effective, so-called oblique parameters. A global fit of the electroweak SM, as performed with the Gfitter package, allows one to determine the oblique parameters and to derive constraints on new physics. In this talk,...
Amarjit Soni
23/07/2010, 17:35
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
One of the most interesting theoretical scenarios for extending the Standard Model is based on the notion of a single warped extra-dimension. Though the original idea was proposed to address the Planck-weak hierarchy, it actually can also lead to an understanding of flavors. As purely a theory of flavor the UV cut-off may be much much less than the Planck mass and may be around 10^4 TeV. The...
Kaladi Babu
(Oklahoma State University)
24/07/2010, 09:00
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
I will summarize recent developments in 4-dimensional supersymmetric grand unified model building. A class of SUSY GUTs based on SO(10) will be presented which successfully addresses for the first time (i) the doublet-triplet splitting probelm to all orders, (ii) realistic quark and lepton mixing, (iii) gauge coupling unification including GUT scale threshold effects, and (i) the origin of...
Makoto Miura
24/07/2010, 09:20
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) is motivated by merging of the coupling constants of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces at a large energy scale (~ 10^16 GeV ), which is out of the reach of accelerators. One of the other general features of GUTs is that they allow lepton and baryon number violations and they predict instability of
nucleons. Then nucleon decay experiments are the direct...
Kalyana Mahanthappa
(University of Colorado)
24/07/2010, 09:40
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
: We propose the complex group theoretical Clebsch-Gordan coefficients as a novel origin of CP violation. This is manifest in our model based on SUSY SU(5) combined with the double tetrahedral group, T', as the family symmetry. Due to the presence of the doublet representations in T', there exist complex CG coefficients, leading to explicit CP violation in the model, while the Yukawa...
Gerhard Immanuel Brandt
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
24/07/2010, 10:10
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
This talk will cover the latest results on a variety of searches for new physics at HERA by the ZEUS and H1 Collaborations.
Satyanarayan Nandi
(Oklahoma State University)
24/07/2010, 11:00
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We present a new framework to understand the long-standing fermion mass hierarchy puzzle. We extend the Standard Model gauge symmetry by an extra local U(1)_S symmetry, broken spontaneously at the electroweak scale. All the SM particles are singlet with respect to this U(1)_S. We also introduce additional flavor symmetries, U(1)Fโs, with flavon scalars Fi, as well as vectorlike quarks and...
Swagato Banerjee
(University of Victoria)
24/07/2010, 11:20
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
The B-Factories have accumulated huge data sets and provide an important window into possible new physics. In this talk, the latest search results for physics beyond the standard model will be presented from both BABAR and Belle experiments.
Paolo Lodone
(Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa)
24/07/2010, 11:40
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
It has been shown that, in the context of the MSSM, the Supersymmetric Flavour Problem cannot be solved by just letting the sfermions of the first two generations be relatively heavy. The reason is twofold: naturalness of the Fermi scale on one side, need for positive squared stop masses on the other.
The situation is much more promising in models without a light Higgs boson, in which the...
Eva Halkiadakis
(Dept. of Physics and Astronomy-Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jerse)
24/07/2010, 12:00
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
The production of chargino-neutralino pairs and their subsequent leptonic decays is one of the most promising supersymmetry (SUSY) signatures at the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider. We present here the most recent results on searches for the three-lepton and missing-transverse-energy SUSY signature using data collected at the Tevatron. The results are interpreted within the minimal...
Robert Blair
(ANL (HEP Div.))
24/07/2010, 14:00
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We present a variety of model-independent studies of final states involving photons in combination with other objects. These include charged leptons (including taus), jets (including b-tagged jets), additional photons, and missing energy. Several kinematic distributions are examined in each final state considered to search for discrepancies from the standard model. One of the final states...
Greg Landsberg
(Brown University)
24/07/2010, 14:20
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We propose that the effective dimensionality of the space we live in depends on the length scale we are probing. As the length scale increases, new dimensions open up. At short scales the space is lower dimensional; at the intermediate scales the space is three-dimensional; and at large scales, the space is effectively higher dimensional. This setup allows for some fundamental problems in...
Gerald Grenier
(IPN Lyon)
24/07/2010, 14:40
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
Leptoquarks arise naturally in all models of unification of leptons and quarks, and might have masses close to the electroweak scale. In this case, to avoid flavor- changing neutral currents, leptoquarks cannot mix generations and separate searches are performed in separate final states for first, second and third generation leptoquarks. Technicolor models postulate the existence of new...
Benjamin Grinstein
(University of California San Diego and CERN)
24/07/2010, 15:00
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
In little higgs models a collective symmetry prevents the higgs from acquiring a quadratically divergent mass at one loop. By considering first the littlest higgs model we show that this requires a fine tuning: the couplings in the model introduced to give the top quark a mass do not naturally respect the collective symmetry. We show the problem is generic: it arises from the fact that the...
Luca Scodellaro
24/07/2010, 15:20
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We present two Tevatron search results for massive particles; the search for a massive quark (b') decaying to t quark and W boson and the search for the production of a massive Wโ gauge boson that decays into a t and b quark. In the former, we use the scalar sum of the transverse energies and the number of jets present in the event to discriminate possible new quarks or other particles from...
Yunhe Xie
24/07/2010, 16:15
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
New physics can present itself in many different ways, in some scenarios, some of the postulated new particles can have a lifetime that allows them to escape typical particle detectors before decaying. In others, potential new particles with relatively light masses are hypothesized to exist in a โpotential valleyโ separated from the SM by a high potential barrier. Yet a third postulate are...
Mu-Chun Chen
(University of California at Irvine)
24/07/2010, 16:35
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We propose a Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model combined with a non-universal, non-anomalous U(1)' symmetry. All anomalies are cancelled in the model without any exotic fields other than the three right-handed neutrinos which are needed to generate neutrino masses. The D-term associated with the U(1)' gives rise to additional contributions to the slepton masses, rendering all slepton masses...
Pierre Lutz
(CEA Orsay)
24/07/2010, 16:55
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We present a variety of model-independent studies of final states involving photons in combination with other objects. These include charged leptons (including taus), jets (including b-tagged jets), additional photons, and missing energy. Several kinematic distributions are examined in each final state considered to search for discrepancies from the standard model. One of the final states...
Jan Kalinowski
(Inst. Theor. Physics, University of Warsaw)
24/07/2010, 17:15
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
In the N=1 supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model, neutralinos associated in supermultiplets with the neutral electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons are, as well as gluinos, Majorana fermions. They can be paired with the Majorana fermions of novel gaugino/scalar supermultiplets, as suggested by extended N=2 supersymmetry, to Dirac particles. Matter fields are not extended beyond the...
Christopher Hays
(University of Oxford)
24/07/2010, 17:35
10 - Beyond the Standard Model (theory and experimental searches)
Parallel Session Talk
We search for resonances in the invariant mass spectrum of two electromagnetic (EM) object from the decay of new Z' bosons or Randall-Sundrum gravitons to electron-positron and/or photon pairs at the Tevatron. In addition, various studies of collider and cosmological data have found multilepton sources that are not well described by the usual models. These studies have motivated a theory of...