07 - Neutrinos
- Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern University)
07 - Neutrinos
- Marco Zito (CEA Saclay)
07 - Neutrinos
- Francesco Terranova (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF))
07 - Neutrinos
- Masaki Ishitsuka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
07 - Neutrinos
- Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern University)
Christine MARQUET
(CENBG University Bordeaux I and CNRS)
23/07/2010, 16:15
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The NEMO-3 experiment located in the Modane Underground Laboratory is searching for neutrinoless double beta decay. The experiment has been taking data since 2003 with seven isotopes. The main isotopes are 7kg of 100Mo and 1kg of 82Se.The new results with 4 years of data taking will be presented for 100Mo. No evidence for neutrinoless double beta decay has been found to date. The data are...
Angelo Nucciotti
(Univ. Milano-Bicocca and INFN Sez. Milano-Bicocca)
23/07/2010, 16:35
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The search for neutrinoless double beta decay is a powerful tool to assess the neutrino mass scale and to establish whether the neutrino is a Majorana or a Dirac particle.
To date, CUORE is the only fully approved next generation 1-ton size experiment with the goal of approaching the inverted hierarchy region of the effective neutrino mass spectrum.
CUORE is an array of 988 TeO2 cryogenic...
Martha Losada
23/07/2010, 16:55
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
In this talk a rapid overview of the mechanism of leptogenesis that can provide a response to the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe is given.
The main part of the talkย will focus on three main issues which have been recently of high relevance for leptogenesis:
- the importance of flavor
- the importance of flavor violating equilibration effects
- models that are testable in the near future.
Carter Hall
(University of Maryland)
23/07/2010, 17:15
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The standard model has difficulty accommodating the tiny neutrino masses which are observed in nature, but light neutrinos arise naturally in many standard model extensions, including many grand unified theories. Many of these models also predict that neutrinos should be Majorana-type fermions, which would violate the conservation of lepton number. The EXO collaboration is carrying out a...
Alfredo Tomas
(University of Zaragoza)
23/07/2010, 17:30
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
Though Neutrino oscillation experiments have shown that neutrinos have finite rest mass, their absolute mass scale is still unknown. The exploration of the degenerate hierarchy, which corresponds to an effective neutrino mass up to 50 meV, is the goal of the next generation of neutrinoless double beta decay experiments. Very good energy resolutions and ultra-low background levels are the two...
Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas
(CFTP, Instituto Superior Tรฉcnico)
23/07/2010, 17:45
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
In models with flavour symmetries added to the gauge group of the Standard Model the CP-violating asymmetry necessary for leptogenesis may be related with low-energy parameters. A particular case of interest is when the flavour symmetry produces an exact mass independent lepton mixing scheme, leading to a vanishing CP-violating asymmetry. We present a model-independent discussion that confirms...
Yoshihisa Obayashi
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)
24/07/2010, 09:00
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
A large water Cherenkov detector Super-Kamiokande(SK) started data taking in April 1996 and has been continuously accumulating neutrino data.
Electronics system for SK data taking is fully upgraded on September 2008 to ensure stable observation for next 10 - 20 years and to improve sensitivity of the detector.
Recent results on atmospheric neutrino oscillation study from SK before and after...
sandra zavatarelli
(INFN Genova Italy)
24/07/2010, 09:20
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
Borexino is a real time liquid scintillator detector for low energy neutrino and antineutrino spectroscopy located at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories (Italy). Thanks to the unprecedented radiopurity of the target mass it is providing the ๏ฌrst direct and simultaneous measurement of the solar neutrino survival probability in both vacuum-dominated (7Be ฮฝ ) and matter-enhanced regions (8B ฮฝ )...
Masayuki Koga
(Tohoku University)
24/07/2010, 09:40
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The KamLAND 1000 ton ultra pure LS environment has a good advantage for the double beta decay experiment. We are planning to install the 20m3 volume mini balloon with 136Xe loaded LS in 2011. The target sensitivity of Xe phase is 60 meV on neutrino mass using 400kg enriched Xe. We will report our progress of KamLAND Xe phase and recent analysis topics.
Antonio Marrone
(Univ. of Bari & INFN Bari)
24/07/2010, 10:00
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
Neutrino self interactions can play a substantial role during neutrino propagation near the Supernova core. In fact, self-induced transitions can alter neutrino spectra, depending on the mass hierarchy, producing splits and/or swaps of the spectra. We study how these effects depends on the neutrino luminosities and on the mixing parameters in two and three generations.
Gabriel Perdue
(The University of Rochester)
24/07/2010, 10:15
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
MINERvA (Main INjEctoR nu-A) is a new few-GeV neutrino cross section experiment that recently began operations in the FNAL NuMI beam-line. MINERvA employs a fine-grained detector capable of complete kinematic characterization of neutrino interactions. We employ a three ton active target region composed of plastic scintillator as well as a selection of nuclear targets. The experiment will...
Masaki Ishitsuka
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
24/07/2010, 11:00
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
Double Chooz is a reactor neutrino oscillation experiment which aims at the discovery of the last neutrino mixing angle, theta_{13}. The expected sensitivity to sin^2(2theta_{13}) reaches 0.03 (90% C.L.) which is approximately a factor 5 better than the current limit. Double Chooz will use two identical detectors with different baselines to suppress the systematic uncertainties down to 1% or...
Soo-Bong Kim
(Seoul National University)
24/07/2010, 11:15
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The RENO (Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation) is under construction to measure the value of the smallest and unknown neutrino mixing angle theta_13. The experiment will compare the measured fluxes of electron antineutrinos at two detectors located at 290 m and 1.4 km distances from the center of the Yonggwang nuclear reactors in Korea, with world-second largest thermal power output of...
Cheng-Ju Lin
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
24/07/2010, 11:30
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The last unknown neutrino mixing angle theta_13 is one of the fundamental parameters of nature; it is also a crucial parameter for determining the sensitivity of future long-baseline experiments aimed to study CP violation in the neutrino sector. Daya Bay is a reactor neutrino oscillation experiment designed to achieve a sensitivity on the value of sin^2(2theta_13) to better than 0.01 at 90%...
Sensitivity Enhancement for the Searches of Neutrino Magnetic Moments through Atomic Ionization
Hau-Bin Li
(Academia Sinica)
24/07/2010, 11:45
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
A new detection channel on atomic ionization for possible neutrino electromagnetic interactions was identified and studied. Orders of magnitude enhancement in sensitivities can be expected when the energy transfer to the target is of the atomic-transition scale.
Interaction cross-section induced by neutrino magnetic moments (mu_nu) was evaluated. New upper limit of mu_nu < 1.3ร10^{-11} ฮผ_B...
Viacheslav Egorov
24/07/2010, 12:00
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The laboratory neutrino magnetic moment (NMM) measurement is based on its contribution to the neutrino scattering on free electron (FE) or on an atom [1] via its ionization (AI). In both cases the observable is the recoil electron energy, the sensitivity increases with lowering the detection threshold.
In our experiment GEMMA[2] we use HPGe detector of 1.5 kg placed under the standard 3 GWth...
Satyanarayan Nandi
(Oklahoma State University)
24/07/2010, 12:15
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
We propose a new mechanism for generating small neutrino masses which predicts the relation m_neu *v4/M3, where v is the electroweak scale, rather than the conventional seesaw formula m_neu *v2/M. Such a mass relation is obtained via effective dimension seven operators LLHH(Hโ H)/M3, which arise when an isospin 3/2 Higgs multiplet PHI is introduced along with iso-triplet leptons. The masses of...
Eric D. Zimmerman
(University of Colorado)
24/07/2010, 14:00
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
T2K is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment searching for oscillation of muon neutrinos into electron neutrinos and measurement of the mixing angle theta_13, a key unknown mixing parameter in the lepton sector. The experiment will also make precise measurements of the oscillation parameters Delta m^2_23 and theta_23 via muon neutrino disappearance.
The major components of T2K...
Pasquale Migliozzi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
24/07/2010, 14:20
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The OPERA long-baseline neutrino experiment is a hybrid electronic-emulsion experiment located in the underground INFN-LNGS Laboratory in central Italy. Its main goal is to observe nu-mu โ nu-tau oscillations in appearance mode in the CNGS nu-mu beam from CERN to Gran Sasso. The electronic detectors yielded information on the neutrino beam and localized where an interaction took place. Runs...
Francisco Del Aguila
(Facultad de Fisica)
24/07/2010, 14:40
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
Neutrino oscillations can be explained introducing Dirac or/and Majorana neutrino masses and the corresponding charged current mixing matrix. Neither of them can be directly measured at large colliders, but their generating mechanism and/or new neutrino interactions can be unveiled at LHC if they are mediated by new particles at the TeV scale.
Sandro Bravar
(Section de Physique - Univ. de Genรจve)
24/07/2010, 15:00
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
As neutrino long baseline experiments enter a new domain of precision, important systematic errors due to poor knowledge of production cross sections for pions and kaons require more precise measurements. Among other goals, the NA61/SHINE (SHINE SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment) experiment at the CERN SPS aims at precision (5% and below) measurements to improve the prediction of the...
Joshua Spitz
(Yale University)
24/07/2010, 15:15
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology offers exceptional position resolution, total-absorption calorimetry, scalability, and efficient particle identification for neutrino detection. ArgoNeuT, a 170 liter LArTPC neutrino detector set in the NuMI beamline at Fermilab, has collected thousands of low energy (E_{nu} \approx 3 GeV) neutrino and anti-neutrino events in a wide...
Arie Bodek
(University of Rochester)
24/07/2010, 15:30
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
We present unpdate to the Bodek-Yang model for inelastic neutrino- and electron-nucleon scattering cross sections using effective leading order parton distribution functions with a new scaling variable \xi_w.
Non-perturbative effects are well described using the \xi_w scaling variable, in combination with multiplicative K factors at low Q^2 for Q^2 < 1 GeV^2.
Our model desribes all...
Justin Evans
(University College London)
24/07/2010, 16:15
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The MINOS experiment utilizes the NuMI neutrino beam to study the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations. Neutrinos are sent over a baseline of 735 km, with a detector near the production point at Fermilab and one at the Soudan underground laboratory in northern Minnesota. By observing the neutrino disappearance characteristic of oscillations, MINOS can measure the oscillation parameters. MINOS...
Ferruccio Feruglio
(Dipartimento di Fisica Galileo Galilei)
24/07/2010, 16:40
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
Neutrino oscillations represent the first, and so far unique, evidence for the incompleteness of the Standard Model (SM)ย of particle interactions.
After summarizing the main theoretical questions raised by the discovery of neutrino oscillations, theoretical concepts and ideas leading to extensions of the SM compatible with the present experimental data will be reviewed. Possible tests of some...
Geoffrey Mills
24/07/2010, 17:00
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
The MiniBooNE neutrino oscillation search experiment at Fermilab has recently completed the analysis of anti-neutrino data it has collected in Fermilab's booster neutrino beam. With 5.66x10**20 protons on target in anti-neutrino mode the experiment is now becoming sensitive the the excess numubar-nuebar signal observed by LSND. This presentation will discuss the MiniBooNE data, its...
Basudeb Dasgupta
(Ohio State University)
24/07/2010, 17:20
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
Neutrinos emitted from a supernova encode information about neutrino physics and astrophysics. Interpreting the neutrino signal depends crucially on understanding neutrino production, flavor mixing during propagation, and detection.
In this talk, we review the physics potential of a SN neutrino observation.
Kaladi Babu
(Oklahoma State University)
24/07/2010, 17:40
07 - Neutrinos
Parallel Session Talk
I will first summarize the radiative mass generation mechanism for small neutrino masses, which is an alternative to the seesaw mechanism. Because of loop and chirality suppressions, this mechanism typically requires the scale of new physics to be near the TeV. A recent discovery wherein small neutrino masses arise as two-loop radiative corrections via leptoquark exchange will be presented. ...