10–14 Jun 2019
Bonn, Campus Poppelsdorf
Europe/Zurich timezone

The prospect for studying nπ⁺ π° electroproduction off protons

12 Jun 2019, 15:30
HS 6

HS 6

Baryon spectrum through meson photoproduction Parallel Session C


Gleb Fedotov


Investigation of double pion electroproduction channel is a very efficient tool for the study of nucleon resonances.
Many experiments have already provided a lot of data on the cross sections of the reaction $\gamma_{v} p \rightarrow p'\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$. Their subsequent interpretation within the phenomenological model delivered valuable information on nucleon resonances electrocouplings.

Another promising channel with $n\pi^{+}\pi^{0}$ final state was not yet subject to the investigation with CLAS due to the limited angular coverage of $\pi^{0}$ detection. The cross section of this so far unexplored channel benefits from larger relative resonant contribution comparing to the reaction with $p\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ final state.

The study of a new channel requires an adaptation of the experimental analysis tools and the phenomenological reaction model which were previously established for $\gamma_{v} p \rightarrow p'\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ channel. The status of this activity will be presented in the talk.


Presentation materials